NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1948)

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Surety Broadeastiiig Co., Charlotte, N. C. — Ordered that th(' hearin.u; on this application ( i;i’-()(»88 : Oocket 84.")tl) l)e continued from .Ian. !.’(! to Fell. !>. WT.VX — Blaekhawk Broadeastiiig Co., Sterling, Ill.; WTAX, Ine., Springfield, 111. -Ordered that the hearing on Ihese applications (Dockets S17i) and S18l>) lie continued from .Ian. L’8 to Fell. (i. .\ll-Oklahoina Broadcasting Co., Tnisa, Okla. — (iranted pe¬ tition to amend its application (Docket ,S.H(i'.D to show changes in officers. WIILS — Port Huron Broadcasting Co., Port Huron, Mich. ----The Commission, on its own motion, continued the hearing on aiiplication (Docket (il)87 ) from .Ian. -!(i to March tit). KCOM — I niversify of Minnesota. Minneapolis. Minn. — (Iranted petition for return to in'titioner of tin* application ( Hl'-4.')47 ; Docket 74.".7| and exhibits atlached thereto, which was dismissed without prejudice .Inly Ft. 1!(4(!. WFM.J — The WFMJ Broadcasting Co.. Youngstown, Ohio — (Iranted jadition to changi* hearing issm's in re its appli¬ cation ( Ii>Il’-l.’44(l ; Docket and Issues No. 1 and h now designated for liearing in the proceeding were deleted. Kohert F. \V(dfe Co., Freincnf, Ohio— ( Iranted petition to accejit late appe.-irance in re its application ( i;i'-G'J4(l ; I locket 8o8tl ) . Vahhtsta Broadcasting Co., >'aldosta, Ga. — Cranital peti¬ tion to extend time to tile pro|iosed tindings. and the time was extended to HO days from this date. (Dockets (jSO:! and .S()C,.H) .Vll-Oklahoina Broadcasting (o., Tnisa, Okla. Denied pe¬ tition to enlarge issues in the iirocei'ding in rc' application of KFDA. inc. (Docket 8dG!l) .\ll-OkIahoina Broadcasting Co., Tnisa, Okla. — Cranted |ietition for leave to amend its application ( I!I’-47t)7 : Docket S.'IGII) to change transmittei' site, change nighttime power from L’.'i KW to 10 KW. etc. Also gi’anted petition for l('av(> to amend its application to show changes in Article VIII of its Articles of Incorporation and Article II. Sec. 1. of its Ky-Iaiws. WCBT — WCBT, Inc., Koanoke Rapids, \. ('. — Cranted lietition to accept written appearance late, in ia‘ its applica¬ tion ( I)l’-(iG70 : Docket SG.'i-i). Hon Lee Broadcasting System, San Diego, et al. — Cranted petition for leave to amend its apiilic.ations (Dockets 7l’r).", et all to (diauge the name of applicant from Don Lee Broad¬ casting System to Thomas 8. Lee Enterprises, Inc., d/h as Don Lee Broadcasting System. WOOD — King-Trendle Broadcasting C'orp., Grand Rapids, .Mich. — Dismissed as moot petition reipiesting that the Com¬ mission eorrect eertain orders with respect to consolidated hearing designated Dec. 1!) (Dockets 7!J7!) and 8H17). W(’.\I’ — Radio Industries Broadcast Co., .Asbiiry Park, N. ,1. — .Vecepted late notice of intention to participate in oral argument on iiroposed decision in re Dockets .7778 iind G147. WTOP — Colnndiia Broadcasting System, Inc., Washing¬ ton, 1). ('. — Cranti'd petition to intervene in Ihc' proceeding on application of W.IBK ( BI’-GH.‘17 ; Docket 8G‘.)1). I'nion-Carolina Broadcasting Co., Ihiion, S. C. — Cranted petition for conlinuamx' (jf hearing from Fell. 10 to March HH in re Doekel S()74. Li\e Dak Broadcasting Co.. Live Dak, Fla. — Cranted peti¬ tion for continuance of hearing from Fell. 4 to iMarch ■_’(> in re I locliet SI 1 7. Kansas City Brotidcastiiig \ 'rclevision Co., Kansas City, Mo. — Craiiteil iielition for continuance of hearing now scheduled for March 17 to March HG at Kansas City. (Docket Stl7) KGDM — E. F. PelTer, Stocliton, Calif.; Sticriimento Broad¬ casters, Inc., Chico. Calif. — Cranled Joint iielition for contiuu.anci' of hearing from .lanuary L’li to March 117. (Dockets S1.S7 and SISG ) WILS — Lansing Broadcasting Co., Lansing, Mich. — Cranted petition to take depositions in re application ( Bl’5889 : I locket SH17 1 . Foundation Co. of Washington, Washington, D. C. — Cranted in part petition for continuance of hearing originally scheduled for Dec. HG, 1947, and the hearing was continued to March 30. 1948 (Docket 8279). WCLO — Southern Wisconsin Radio, Inc., Janesville, Wis. — Critnted license covering changes in vertical iintenna and mounting FM antenna on AM tower. (BE-2S12) WMRO — WMRD, Inc., Aurora, HI. — Fienied petition for leave to amend its application (BML-127G: Docket SG37 ) to specify a different antenna site. etc. Crawfordsville Broadcasting .\ssn., Crawfordsville, Ind. — Cranted petition to amend its application (BP-G172; Docket 870;D so as to change the name of applicant to show addition to the partnership of 11. 11. I’hilpott. Blinker Hill Broadcasting Co., Boston, Mass. — Cranted IK'tition for leave to amend its aiiplication to show resigna¬ tion of Ceorge M. Creamer as V.l’. ;ind director and with¬ drawal of his stock suhscription, the execution of supiilemental suli.scription agreements to iiurchase tlii' stock relin(luished liy Creamer hy two remaining stockholders, the election of a new director and increase in powm from 1 to 7 K4V. ( 1 locket 8773 I Baker Broadcasting Co.. Fre.sno. Calif.— Cranted petition to accejit late appearance in re its application (Bl’-G14(); Docket SG04). The Easley-Fairfield Broadcasting Co., Easley, Ala. — Cranted petition to ai'cept late appiuirance in re its applica¬ tion ( BB-G294 : Docket 8727). Erie Broadcasting Corp., Biill'alo, N. Y.— Crant('d petition for leave to amend its application ( B1’-G20G : Docket 8497) to correct technical data, etc. Louis G. Baltimore, Wilke.s-Barre. Pa. — Crauti'd petition for leave to amend Ids application ( B1’(1T-1;!4 : Docket 8G7!D so as to specify Television Channel 11 in lieu of No. 3, etc. Cahokia Broadcasting Corp., Inc., E. St. Louis, Mo. — Cranted petition to dismiss without prejudice its application (B1M)338: Docket 8G.73). William J. Brennan, Winston-Salem, N. C. — Cranted peti¬ tion to dismiss without prejudice his application (BP-G0G8: I locket 8477 I . KDY — Salt River Valley Broadcasting Co., Phoenix, Ariz. — Cranted lietition for continuance of hearing in re its appli¬ cation ( Bl'-7733 : Docket 8480) from .Ian. 27 to Feh. IG. Charlotte News Publishing Co., Charlotte, N. C. — Cranted petition to dismiss without prejudice its application ( BIN 3972: Docket 7G07). Brunsvvick-Islands Broadcasting Co., Brunswick, Ga. — Granted petition to accept written appearance late, in re their aiiplication ( BP-G1G4 : Docket 8.787). 1290 K('. WTMC — Ocala Broadcasting Co., Inc., Ocala, Fla. — Cranted license covering change in freipiency to 129(1 kc.. incre.ase in power to 1 KIV, installation of new ti'ansmitter and D.V for lught use, and change in transmitter location. ( BL-2824 ) 1400 KC. ('onnmmity Broadcasting Co., Corpus Christi, Texas — Ci-anted petition to ainmid its application (BP-G3(IG; Docket 8(i81 I to siiecify 270 watts in lieu of 100 watts power, on 1400 kc.. unlimited time. 14.50 KC KBNE — Boulder City Broadcasting Co., Inc., Boulder City, Nev. — Cranted reipu'sf for dismissal of application for re¬ newal of license, and the station will he deleted as of Janu¬ ary .31. 1948. (1470 ke.. 270 watts, unlimited.) (Continued on next page) FEBRUARY 2, 1948-90