NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1948)

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\E\V — Kib Mountain Radio, Inc., Wausau, Wis. ( P. ( ).. Telegram Bldg., Superior, Wis.) — Coustruetion permit for a new standard broadcast station to be operated on 12:t() kc.. power of 100 watts, and unlimited hours of oi)eration. KEXO — Voice of Western Colorado, Inc., Grand Junction, Colo. — License to cover construction permit ( Bo-P-5401. as moditied) which authorized a new standard Iiroadcast sta¬ tion and siK'cif.v studio location and authority to determine operating power by direct measurement of antenna power. WCNH — Quincy Hroadcasting Corj)., Quincy, Fla. — License to cover construction permit ( B.3-P-.j53(). as moditied) wliich authorized a new standard hrt)adcast station. NEW — Belen Broadcasting Corp., Belen, N. M. ( 1‘. (). Box 238. Alhuqueivpie, X. M. ) — Construction permit for a new standard Iiroadcast station to be operated on 1230 kc.. power of 250 watts and unlimited hours of oix-riition. 1340 KC. WSOC — Radio Station WSOC, Inc., Charlotte, N. C. — Modilication of construction permit ( Bl’-ti002. as moditied. which authorized to install new vertical antenna and mount FM antenna on top of AM tower) for extension of comple¬ tion date. WDIA — RlulT City Broadcasting Co., Ltd., ^lenipliis, Tenn. I E. R. Ferguson and ,1. K. Pepper. Ltd.) — Construction per¬ mit to change frequency from 730 to 1240 kc., change hours of operation from daytime to unlimited time and inerease power from 250 watts day to 250 watts day and night. KRDU — Radio Dinuba Co., Dinuba, Calif. — Construction permit to change freiiuenc.v from 1130 to 1240 kc., change hours. of operation from daytime to unlimited time, increase power from 250 watts day to 250 watts dav and night, and make changes in tr.ansmitting eciuipment. Facilities of KCOK I'equested. AMENDED to change name of applicant from Egon A. Hofer. David L. Hofer and .Tohn M. Banks, partners, d/h as Radio Dinuba Co. to Radio Dinuba Co. 1350 KC. WTMA — Atlantic Coast Broadcasting Co., Charleston, S. C. — License to cover construction permit ( B3-P-3752. as modified ) which authorized to change frequency, make changes in directional antenna for night use. increase' in power, install new transmitter and change transmitter loca¬ tion. 1360 KC. KVNW — Grand Forks Herald, Inc., Grasid Forks, N. Dak. — Modilication of construction iiermit ( B4-l*-5145, as modi¬ fied, which authorized a new standard hi-oadcast station i for extension of completion date. 1380 KC, WOV — Wodaani Corp., New York, N. Y. — Voluntary trans¬ fer of control of licensee corporation from Arde Bulova and Harry D. Henshel to General Broadcasting Corp. Hanover Broadcasters, Hanover, Pa. (.Tohn D. Bare and I’hilip A. Rohrhaugh. a partnership) — Construction permit for a new standard broadcast station to be operated on 12SP kc., power of 1 KIV and daytime hours of operation. AMENDED to change name of applicant from .Tohn D. Ihire and Philip A. Rohrhaugh. a partnership d/b as Hanover Broadcasters to Itadio Hanover, Inc. 1390 KC. KGVO — Mcsby’s Inc., Missonla, Mont. — Construction iier¬ mit to increase night power from T IvlV to 5 IxlV. install new transmittei and directional antenna for day and night use (DA-1) and change transmitter location. Rose City Broadcasting Co., Portland, Ore. (Harold Krieger, Gordon E. Bamlirick and .Tohn Ij. Ixremer. ;i partnei'ship ) — Construction permit for a new standard broadcast station to he operated on 1141) kc., power of 1 IvW iind day¬ time hours of operation. AMENDE1> to change freipiency from 1140 to 1290 kc.. and change name of applicant from Harold Ivrie.ger, Gordon E. Bamlirick and .Tohn I,. Ivremer, a partnership, d/h as Rose City Broadcasting Co. to Harold Krieger and Gordon E. Bamlirick. co-partners, d/b as Mcr cury ITioadcasting Co. 1300 KC. NEW — Missouri Valley Broadcasting Co., Marshall, 5Io. (Harold T. Fisher and Call T. Fisher, a partnership) (P. ( b % Harold T. Fisher. ^Memphis. Mo.) — Construction permil for a new standard broadcast station to be operated on 1301) kc. power of 51)0 watts and da.^ time hours of o]ieration. 1330 KC. Davis Broadcasting System, Inc., Lewiston, Me. -Con¬ struction permit for a new standard broadcast station to be operated on ILK) kc.. jiower of 250 watts and daytime hours of operation. AMENDED to iliange frequency from 1130 to 1320 kc.. (liange power from 250 watts to 500 watts, (liauge type of transmitter, make changes in vertical an¬ tenna. and change studie location from 03 Main Street. I.ewiston. Maine, to; to be determined — Auburn. Maine. 1340 KC. WGNI — General Newspapers, Inc., Wilmington, N. C. — Miluntary iissignmeiit of license from Genei'al Newspapers. Inc., to New Hanover Broadcasting Co. WL55J — The Bowling Green Broadcasting Co., Bowling (ireen, Ky. — Modification of construction permit 1 BP-0070, whidi authorized installation of new vertical antenna and to mount FM antcim;i on AM tower) for (‘Xtension of com¬ pletion (bite. .4pple-Land Broadcasters, Inc., Wenatchee, Wash. — Modi¬ fication of construction permit (BP-013S, which authorized a new standard Iiroadcast station) for approval of antenna, to change type of ti'ansmittei and for of trans¬ mitter and studio locations at North Wenatchee Ave.. We¬ natchee. Wash. AMENDED to change transmitter location (Geographic coordinates, only). WEMF — Milwaukee Broadcasting Co., Milwaukee, Wis. — License to cover construction permit ( BP-59, S2. as modified) whicTi authorized installation of new vertical antenna and to change transmitter location. ( Resubmitted, i 1370 KC. WLTC — Gastonia Broadcasting Service, Inc., Gastonia, N. — IJcense to cover construction permit ( P>P-594,S, as modifit'd) which authorized a new standard broadcast sta¬ tion and authority to determine opm-ating power by direct measurement of antmina power. 1380 KC. NEW — The Reorganized Church of Jesus ( lirist of Latter Day Saints, Independence, 5Io. ( P. ().. The Auditorium) — ( 'onstrnction permit for a new standai'd broadcast station to be operated on 13S() kc.. power of 5 KW and daytiiue hours of operation. KKKO — The Everett Broadcasting Co., Inc., Everett, Wash. — ('onstrnction permit to change frei|Uency from 1400 to 13, so kc.. Increase power from 250 watts to 1 IxW. install new transmitter and directional antenna for night use. A.MENTiED re clninge in directional antenna night pattern. 1390 KC. WLAN— P eoples Broadcasting Co., Lancaster, Pa. — .Modi¬ fication of construction permit ( BP-59<11, which authorized !i change of freipiency, change hours of operation and powei', installation of directional antenna for day and night use and change in transmitter location) to change from directional antenna day and night to directional antenna night only and for an extension of commencement and completion dati's. 14()0 KC. WFCK — Forrest Broadcasting Co., Hattiesburg, Miss. ( G. .1. tVright. B. M. Wright and ) ’. .1. AVright. .Ir. i — .Modi¬ fication of construction permit ( B3-P-17,S3. as modified, which authorized installation of new vertical antenna with FAl antenna mounted on top. make changes in ground system. (Continued on next page) MARCH 15, 1948-217