NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1948)

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KW to visual 19.4 KW, aural 9.73 KW, and change studio and transmitter locations. Texas NEW — City of Dallas, Texas, Dallas, Texas (P. O.. I\Iunicipal Bldg., Main at Harwood, Dallas, Texas) — Construc¬ tion permit for a new commercial television broadcast sta¬ tion to be operated on Channel #10, 192-198 me., ERP of visual 24.84 KW, aural 12.42 KW, and unlimited hours of operation. KKLD-TV — KKLD Radio Corp., Dallas — Modiiication of construction permit (BPCT-137, which authorized a new commercial television broadcast station) to change trans¬ mitter location, decrease ERP from visual 40 KW to visual 1,1.3 KW. aural not stated, make changes in antenna system, change type of equipment and extension of commencement and completion dates. West Virginia NEW — W'est Virginia Rroadcasting Corp., Wheeling (P. O. Hawley Building, 1025 Main Street) — Construction permit for a new commercial television broadcast station to be operated on Channel #12, 204-210 me., ERP of visual 32.49 KW, aural 17.1 KW, and unlimited hours of operation. TV— Applications Tendered for Filing California NEW — Don Lee Broadcasting System, La Jolla (Thomas S. Lee Enterprises, Inc.) — Construction permit for a new commercial television broadcast station to be operated on Channel #0, 82-88 me., ERP of visual 20 KW, aural 10 KW. Florida NEW — The Tribune Co., Tampa — Construction permit bna new commercial television broadcast station to be operated on Channel #4, 00-72 me., ERP of visual 15.1 KW, aural 7.55 KW. Iowa NEW — Tri-States Meredith Broadcasting Co., Des Moines —Construction permit for a new commercial television broadcast station to be operated on Channel #2, .54-00 me., ERP of visual 10.85 KW, aural 8.425 KW. Louisiana NEW — Loyola llniversity. New Orleans — Construction per¬ mit for a new commercial television broadcast station to be operated on Channel #10, 192-198 me., ERP of visual 29.3 KW, aural 15.0 KW. NEW — New Orleans Television Co., New Orleans — Con¬ struction permit for a new commercial television broadcast station to be operated on Channel #2, 54-00 me., ERP of 14.085 KW, aural 7.342 KW. Maryland NEW — The Monumental Radio Co., Baltimore — ('onstruction permit for a new commercial television broadcast sta¬ tion to be operated on Channel #0, 82-88 me., ERP of visual 10 KW. aural 8 KW. ^Minnesota NEW — Independent Merchants Broadcastmg Co., Minne¬ apolis — Construction permit for a new commercial television broadcast station to be operated on Channel #7. 174-180 me., ERP of visual ’25 KW, aural 13 KW. New York NEW — Utica Observer-Dispatch, Die., Studio — Utica; Transmitter — Frankfort — Construction permit for a new commercial television broadcast station to be operated on Channel #3, 00-60 me., ERP of visual 15.5 KW, aural 7.75 KW. Texas NEW — Southland Industries, Inc., San Antonio — Construc¬ tion permit for a new commercial television broadcast sta¬ tion to be operated on Channel #4, 60-72 me., ERP of visual 21.6 KW. West Virginia NEW — West Virginia Broadcasting Corp., Wheeling — Con struction permit for a new commercial television broadcast station to be operated on Channel #12, 204-21(1 me.. ERl’ of visual 32.49 KW, aural 17.1 KW. MISCELLANEOUS BROADCAST ACTIONS Remote Pickup WTIIB — The Tribune Co., area of Tampa, Fla. — Granted renewal of remote pickup station license for the regular jieriod. hirvnseis for the following remote giekup hroadeast >stationa were further extended upon a temporarg hasi.'^ onlij. pending reeeipt of and/or determination upon application for renewal, for the period ending June J, 19-'i8: WEPA, Edwin H. Armstrong, New York ; KABD, KAOG, KAOY. Don Lee Broadcasting System. Los Angeles; KAAD, KEGT. I'arrant Broadcasting Co., Fort Worth; WEDD, WBCZ, The Yankee Network, Paxton, Mass., and Ports¬ mouth, N. H. KNHU — Albuquerque Broadcasting Co., area of Albu¬ querque, N. M. — Present license for remote pickup station extended on a temporary basis only to .June 1, 1948. pending receipt of and determination upon renewal application of KOB. KHZZ — Alamo Broadcasting Co., Inc,, area San Antonio, Tex. — Granted license for new remote pickup station. (BLRE-493) Developmental W9XHZ — Sarkes Tarzian, Bloomington, Did. — .Scheduled for hearing on April 7, application for renewal of license ( BREX-52, Docket 8640 ) . Remote Pickup Applications Accepted for Filing NEW — WEBR, Inc., area Buffalo, New York — Construc¬ tion permit for a new remote pickup broadcast station to be operated on 152.75, 152.87, 152.99, 153-47 me., power of .50 watts, emission special for FM and hours of operation in jiccordance with section 4.403. NEW— Radio Diablo, Inc., Atop Mt. Diablo, Calif. (1>. D. 798 .San Mateo Avenue, San Bruno, Calif.) — Construction permit for a new remote pickup broadcast station to be operated on 1.52.75, 152.87, 153.3.5, 153.47 me., power of <8 watts, emission A3 and hours of operation in accordance with section 4.403. NEW — Radio Diablo, Inc., San Bruno, Calif. (F. O. 798 San Mateo Avenue, San Bruno, Calif.) — Construction permit for a new remote pickup broadcast station to be operated on 152.75, 152.87, 153.35, 153.47 me., power of 8 watts, emis¬ sion A3 and hours of operation in accordance with section 4.403. WKBM — American Colonial Broadcasting Corp., .\recibo, Puerto Rico — Construction permit for reinstatement of ( BPRY-325, as moditied) which authorized a new remote pickup broadcast station to be operated on 1622, 2058, 2150, 2700 kc., (lower of 50 watts, emission A3, portable-mobile, Arecibo, Puerto Rico. MARCH 15, 1948-223