NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1934)

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Abba Gold Mining Corporation, Los Angeles, Calif. (2-S7S). Gallatin Brewing Company, Bozeman, Mont. (2-576). Fuller Cleaning & Dyeing Company, Cleveland, Ohio (2-577). Tampax Sales Corporation, Denver, Colo. (2-578). Eagle Gold & Platinum Mining Co., Inc., Vancouver, B. C. (2-579). STATUS OF OUTLAW STATIONS The Federal Radio Commission is much gratified over the results accomplished so far in its warfare against the operators of un¬ licensed radio stations. It proposes to keep up the fight until the air lanes are cleared of all so-called “air pirates.” Between July 1, 1933, and December 31, 1933, the federal courts rendered decisions in 16 cases, based on indictments of operators of unlicensed stations by the government, the Legal Division of the Commission, of which George B. Porter is acting general coun¬ sel, cooperating with the Department of Justice. Convictions were obtained in nearly all those cases. The cases disposed of were: U. S. v. J. S. Conn, Bellmawr, N. J. — Arrested February 17, 1933, for operation of unlicensed station. Plead guilty July 1, 1933. Fined $200. U. S. v. Robert Partridge, Seattle, Wash. — Indicted July 21, 1933, for operation of unlicensed broadcasting station. Plead guilty. Sentence suspended. U. S. v. Harry Lyman, John W. Roberts, Frank Fitzgerald, Margate City, N. J— Arrested March 3, 1933, for operating un¬ licensed radio station. All plead guilty July 20, 1933. Each fined $25. U. S. v. C. C. Brookings, Will Covington, H. D. Apgar, El Dorado, Ark. — Indicted for operation of broadcasting station with¬ out license. Brookings and Covington plead guilty August 19, 1933. Sentence suspended. Apgar dismissed. U. S. v. Norman Cohen, Bridgeport, Conn. — Indicted June 26, 1933, for operation of unlicensed broadcasting station. Trial September, 1933. Found guilty. Fined $25. U. S. v. Curry Jackson, Abilene, Tex. — Unlicensed operation of broadcasting station. Trial November 16, 1933. Found guilty. Sentenced to 10 days in jail. U. S. v. Albert Cox, Temple, Tex. — Indicted for unlicensed operation of broadcasting station. Trial November 20, 1933. Found guilty. Sentenced to 12 months in jail. Sentence sus¬ pended. $100 fine. U. S. v. Fred Bitterman, Temple, Tex. — Indicted for unlicensed operation of broadcasting station. Trial November 20, 1933. Found guilty. Sentenced to 12 months in jail. Sentence sus¬ pended. $100 fine. U. S. v. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Turner and Dick Saye, Denton, Tex. —Indicted for operation of unlicensed broadcasting station. Trial November 27, 1933. Ail defendants found not guilty. U. S. v. Ben O. Bracken, Camden, Ark. — Indicted for operation of unlicensed station. Plead guilty December 8, 1933. Sentenced 18 months in jail. Sentence suspended. U. S. v. Henry Clay Allison, Fort Worth, Tex. — Indicted for operation of unlicensed broadcasting station. Trial December 11, 1933. Found guilty. Fined $250 for operation of station with¬ out operator’s license. U. S. v. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Meier, Plainview, Tex. — Indicted for operation of unlicensed broadcasting station. Mr. Meier plead guilty December 14, 1933. Sentenced to three years. Sus¬ pended. Mrs. Meier dismissed. U. S. v E. J. Turner, Plainview, Tex. — Indicted for operation of unlicensed broadcasting station. Trial December 14, 1933. Found not guilty. U. S. v. Chas. L. Fower and Miller Hogan, Macon, Mo. — In¬ dicted April 29, 1933, for operation of unlicensed broadcasting station. Fower plead guilty. Fined $150. Hogan dismissed. U. S. v. Chester Ross, Boston, Mass. — Indicted December 11, 1933, for operation of unlicensed broadcasting station. Plead guilty. Fined $200 and forfeiture of apparatus. U. S. v. Morris Browne and Joseph Marks (WAR), Brooklyn, N. Y. — Arrested for operating radio station in automobile August 11, 1933. Indictment returned. Marks plead guilty. Sentenced 3 years. Suspended. Browme indictment nolle prossed. The Following Were the Cases Awaiting Prosecution January 1, 1934 U. S. v. Robert M. H. Verenocke, John Campbell, Patrick Fitz¬ gerald, Arthur II. Stevens and N. D. Macris. Indictment returned Eastern District of New York, December 22, 1931. Case set for trial January 16, 1934. U. S. v. George MacDonald, alias Geo. Griffin, et al. Arrested October 28, 1932, at Coney Island, N. Y., for operating station without operator’s license. Indictment returned. Case set for trial January 16, 1934. U. S. v. James Donald Hayes, Willard O. Bird and Chas. V. Horn. Arrested at Montauk, N. Y., for unlicensed operation of radio station May 5, 1933. Indictment returned. Will be placed on January, 1934, calendar for pleading. U. S. v. John V. Prianti and Mark Mazzardri, Brooklyn, N. Y. — Arrested February, 1933. Indicted June, 1933, for unlicensed operation of radio station in automobile. Set for trial January 16, 1934. U. S. v. Samuel Morris, Abilene, Tex. — Arrested for operation of unlicensed broadcasting station. Jury disagreed November 14, 1933. Reindicted December 4, 1933. Set for trial second Monday in April, 1934. U. S. v. Alton W. Stewart, Browmwood, Tex. — Arrested for operation of unlicensed operation of broadcasting station. Equip¬ ment seized. Indicted December 4, 1933. Trial to be held fourth Monday in April, 1934. U. S. v. Paul E. Gregg, Sew'el! Meyers, M. X. Morrow'. — In¬ junction suit at Houston, Tex., for operation of broadcasting sta¬ tion w'ithout license. Tried November 24, 25, 1933. Awaiting decision of Court. U. S. v. Henry Clay Allen, Fort Worth, Tex. — Injunction suit for operation of broadcasting station without license. Trial befor Master in September, 1933. Master’s report submitted recom¬ mending permanent injunction. Awaiting decision of Court. Action is contemplated against other operators of unlicensed stations in the near future. The Commission has just been advised by H. M. Tolden, U. S. Attorney at Houston, Tex., that Judge Kennerley has issued a permanent injunction against the operation of the Voice of Labor Broadcasting Station at Houston. This station has been operat¬ ing for several months without a licence using the frequency 1310 kc. with 5 watts power. It made the defense that because of the low power its signals did not extend beyond the border of Texas and did not interfere with the signals of any licensed station, and for that reason it did not come under the jurisdiction of the Federal Radio Commission. That contention, however, w'as unavailing before the Court. Ben S. Fisher, Assistant General Counsel, w'as detailed to handle most of these cases for the Federal Radio Commission. FEDERAL RADIO COMMISSION ACTION HEARING CALENDAR Monday, January 15, 1934 KJBS — Tulius Brontor. & Sons Co., San Francisco, Calif — C. P., 1070 kc., 500 watts, 12:01 a. m. to LS (facilities of KFWI). Present assignment, 1070 kc., 100 watts, 12:01 a. m. to LS. KQW — Pacific Agricultural Foundation, San Jose, Calif. — C. P., 1010 kc., 500 w'atts, 1 KW LS, unlimited time (facilities of KFWI). Present assignment, 1010 kc., 500 w'atts, unlimited time. KROW — Educational Broadcasting Corp., Oakland Calif. — Modifi¬ cation of license. 030 kc., 500 watts. 1 KW LS, unlimited time (facilities of KFWI). Present assignment, 930 kc.. 500 watts, 1 KW LS, shares with KFWI. Wednesday, January 17, 1934 Oral Argument Before Commission er. banc WOKO — WOKO, Inc., Albany, N. Y. — Modification of license, 1430 kc., 500 watts, unlimited time. Present assignment, 1440 kc., 500 watts, simultaneous dav, sharing night with WHEC. WHEC — WHEC, Inc.. Rochester, N. Y. — Modification of license, 1430 kc., 500 watts, unlimited time. Present assignment, 1440 kc., 500 watts, simultaneous dav, sharing night with WOKO. Page 273