NAB reports (Jan-Dec 1939)

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connection with the sale of its product, “30-40 Wafers,” a con¬ centrated food tablet represented as an aid for reducing weight. The respondent agrees to desist from representing, directly or by implication, that “30-40 Wafers” will be effective in reducing weight, unless it is clearly explained that the product is of value only to the extent that it tends to reduce the appetite for other foods, and that it should be used in conjunction with low calorie diets and exercise. (02398) Interniountain Broadcasting Corp. — Five Western and one Southern broadcasting stations have entered into stipulations to discontinue certain advertising practices in connection with the sale of their facilities. The respondents are Intermountain Broadcasting Corporation, operating station KDYL, Salt Lake City, Utah; Lamar Life Insurance Company, station WJDX, Jackson, Miss.; Mosby’s, In¬ corporated, station KGVO, Missoula, Mont.; Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society, station WOW, Omaha, Nebr.; KFRU, Incorporated, station KFRU, Columbia, Mo., and Minnesota Broadcasting Corp., station WTCN, Minneapolis. The respondents agreed to cease representing, directly or by implication, that their respective stations have a certain pow'er unless that power is actually used by them during the entire broadcasting period, or unless it is clearly explained in direct con¬ nection with each representation that such power is authorized and used only during certain specified hours. According to the stipulation, all but one of the respondents advertised, wdthout qualification, their stations as having 5,000 watts pow'er, which, it was agreed, might mislead some prospective purchasers of radio facilities into believing that such power was continuous w'hen in fact the power authorized for use and used in each instance w'as 5,000 watts during the day only and was limited to 1,000 watts at night. In the case of KFRU, Incorporated, the pow'er advertised without qualification was 1,000 watts when in fact 1,000 watts was used by day and 500 watts at night. (02392 through 02397, inclusive.) Ivis Company, Ine. — In a stipulation. The Ivis Company, Inc., 150 Pearl St., New' York, agrees to cease certain misrepresentations in the sale of a facial pack designated “Milk-Mode”. The respondent stipulates that it wall cease representing directly or by implication that Milk-Mode or the Milk Mode treatment will reduce enlarged pores, remove blackheads, w'hiteheads, or discolorations; that it is comparable to a facial massage treatment in a beauty salon; that it will lift out dirt and poisons from the pores and combat re-infection or that the treatment is a health bath for the skin, and that actresses have said it will give renewed vitality. The respondent will also cease the representations that MilkMode is of value in the treatment of oily, coarse, drab, dry or sallow skin; that it will eliminate or reduce wrinkles, lines, puffiness or sagging, and that it will stimulate, revitalize or tone the skin or stimulate circulation, (020400) KFRU, Inc. — See Lamar Life Insurance Company. Lamar Life Insurance Company — See Intermountain Broad¬ casting Corp. Minnesota Broadcasting Corp. — See Lamar Life Insurance Company. Mosby’s Inc. — See Lamar Life Insurance Company. Tenex, Incorporated, Davenport, Iowa, entered into a stipula¬ tion to cease the dissemination of misleading advertisements in the sale of Tenex, a treatment for athlete’s foot and other skin diseases. The respondent agreed to cease representing directly or by impli¬ cation that Tenex is a cure for athlete’s foot, ringworm or any other disease or that it is a competent treatment or effective remedy for fungus nail, eczema, barber’s itch, corns and callouses, cuts, dermatitis, irritation, skin diseases generally, and ringworm, unless the representations are limited to the types of ringworm for which Tenex may be effectively indicated. The respondent will also cease representing that eczema is a fungus infection or disease ; that Tenex is harmless to healthy tissue, and that Tenex will prevent reinfection of athlete’s foot conditions. (02401) Woodmen of the W’orld Life Insurance Society — See Lamar Life Insurance Co. 3603 July 15, 1939