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WMAQ — National Broadcasting Co., Inc., Chicago, Ill. — Granted renewal of license on a temporary basis only for the period ending February 1, 1940, upon the express condition that it is subject to whatever action may be taken upon pending applications for renewal of license, and upon the application of WHA for the facilities of WMAQ.
KVGB — Helen Twonsley, Great Bend, Kans. — Present license ex¬ tended on a temporary basis only, for the period August 1 to September 1, 1939, pending determination upon the ap¬ plication for renewal of license.
KGBU— Alaska Radio & Service Co., Inc., Ketchikan, Alaska.— Present license extended on a temporary basis only, for the period August 1 to September 1, 1939, pending determination upon the application for renewal of license.
KTHS— Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce, Hot Springs, Ark.— Present license extended on a temporary basis only, for the period August 1 to September 1, 1939, pending determination upon the application for renewal of license.
KTRB — Thos. R. McTammany and William H. Bates, Jr., Modesto, Calif. — Present license extended on a temporary basis only, for the period August 1 to September 1, 1939, pending de¬ termination upon the application for renewal of license.
WIBC — Indiana Broadcasting Corp., Indianapolis, Ind. — Present license extended upon a temporary basis only, pending de¬ termination upon renewal application, for the period August 1 to September 1, 1939.
WKAR — Mich. State College, E. Lansing, Mich. — Present license extended upon a temporary basis only, pending determina¬ tion upon renewal application, for the period August 1 to September 1, 1939.
WSPR — WSPR, Inc., Springfield, Mass. — Present license extended upon a temporary basis only, pending determination upon renewal application, for the period August 1 to September 1, 1939.
W8XWJ — The Eve. News Assn., Detroit, Mich. — Present license for high frequency broadcast station was further extended upon a temporary basis only, pending determination upon application for renewal, but in no event longer than Septem¬ ber 1, 1939.
W4XBW — WDOD Broadcasting Corp., Chattanooga, Tenn. — Pres¬ ent license for high frequency broadcast station was further extended upon a temporary basis only, pending determina¬ tion upon application for renewal, but in no event longer than September 1, 1939.
WAXG — Fla. Capitol Broadcasters, Inc., Portable-Mobile (Area of Tallahassee, Fla.) — Present license for relay broadcast sta¬ tion was further extended upon a temporary basis only, pending determination upon application for renewal, but in no event longer than September 1, 1939.
NEW — John F. Arrington, Jr., Valdosta, Ga. — Denied motion to withdraw without prejudice application for new station to use 1230 kc., 250 watts day and night, unlimited time; and dismissed application with prejudice.
KUTA — Utah Broadcasting Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. — Granted motion for continuance of hearing now scheduled for Septem¬ ber 6 ; new date to be fixed by the Office of the Secretary ; motion denied in so far as consolidation with other applica¬ tions is requested.
WKBN — WKBN Broadcasting Corp., Youngstown, Ohio. — Granted motion to dismiss without prejudice, application for modifica¬ tion of license to change frequency power and time of opera¬ tion.
NEW — C. T. Sherer Co., Inc., Worcester, Mass. — Granted motion to take depositions on September 7, 1939, at Worcester, Mass.; hearing before examiner to be held open.
KECA — Earle C. Anthony, Los Angeles, Cal. — Referred to Commis¬ sion en banc motion to withdraw or dismiss application for C. P. to move KECA to San Diego, Cal., and assign license to Worcester Broadcasting Corp.
WPRP — Julio M. Conesa, Ponce, P. R. — Granted petition to in¬ tervene in the hearing on the application of Portorican American Broadcasting Co., Inc., for a new station in Ponce.
WMT — Iowa Broadcasting Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, — Action con¬ tinued for one week on petition to (a) intervene in the hear¬ ing on the application of the Gazette Co. for C. P., and (b) that the issues to be determined upon hearing be enlarged.
WELI — City Broadcasting Corp., New Haven, Conn. — Granted spe¬ cial temporary authority to operate station on 930 kc., with 500 watts, daytime only, at Benham Road & Paradise
July 28, 1939
Ave., Hamden, Conn., for the period July 23, and until such time as the proof of performance of the directional system is submitted and approved by the engineering department, but ending in no event later than August 21, in accordance with application to operate with either directional or non-directional antenna during same period in order to make compari¬ sons and expedite field intensity survey.
WBRY — American Republican, Inc., Waterbury, Conn. — Granted special temporary authority to operate a portable test trans¬ mitter of 100-watts power on 1510 kc., during hours from one hour after local sunrise to one hour before local sunset, for the period July 25 to August 23, in order to conduct field intensity measurements to be made to assist in locating new transmitter site for WBRY.
WSUI — State Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. — Granted special temporary authority to reduce hours of operation from un¬ limited time to minimum of 8 hours daily, for the period August 1 to September 1, in order to observe summer vacation.
RCA — Mfg. Co., Inc., New York City. — Granted special temporary authority to operate general experimental station W3XDS, using frequency 950 kc., with power of 1 KW, to conduct a comprehensive field survey to study the effects of fading on amplitude modulated facsimile emission during hours 2 to 7 a. m., DST, on Sundays; midnight to 5 a. m., DST, on Mondays; and 1 to S a. m., DST, from Tuesday through Saturday, for a period not to exceed 30 days.
WQDM — Regan & Bostwick, St. Albans, Vt. — Denied special tem¬ porary authority to operate from 8 to 8:30 p. m., EST, for the period August 1 to August 30, in order to broadcast local baseball games and scores.
WMAZ — Southeastern Broadcasting Co., Inc., Macon, Ga. — De¬ nied special temporary authority to operate unlimited time, 1 KW power, nighttime, for the period July 25 to August 23, in order to broadcast civic, charitable and other programs of extreme local interest from CBS.
CKLW — Esses Broadcasters, Inc., Detroit, Mich. — Granted special temporary authority to pick up Unitarian Fellowship for Social Justice programs from 9 to 9:30 p. m., EST, on July 24 and 31.
Out West Broadcasting Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. — Granted special temporary authority to use relay broadcast station KAAO, licensed to KLZ Broadcasting Co., for special golf broadcast originating at the Broadmoor Golf Club, during daytime on July 22 and 23, to be broadcast over KVOR.
WPG — City of Atlantic City, Atlantic City, N. J. — Denied special temporary authority to operate Fridays from 2 p. m. to 3 p. m., EST, on July 21, 28, August 4, 11, and 18, 1939, and from 3:15 p. m. to 4:30 p. m. on Sundays, July 23, 30, August 6, 13, 20, 1939, in order to broadcast programs as described in letter dated July 19, 1939.
WDWS — Champaign News-Gazette, Inc., Champaign, Ill. — Granted special temporary authority to rebroadcast two-way com¬ munication between ground station at Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill., and Army airplane, in connection with War Department expansion program, for period of 30 days, communication to be carried on 7385 kc.
WQDM — Regan & Bostwick, St. Albans, Vt. — Reconsidered action of July 21 in denying request to operate from 8 to 8:30 p. m. from August 1 to 30, inclusive, to broadcast baseball games, and granted same for EDST as requested.
WBNY — Roy L. Albertson, Buffalo, N. Y. — Granted extension of special temporary authority to operate unlimited time for the period July 21 to August 29, 1939 (provided WSVS remains silent), in order to broadcast programs as described in letter dated July 18, 1939.
WJHS — John H. Snyder, Baltimore, Md. — Granted extension of special temporary authority to operate licensed aircraft radio transmitter aboard plane NX-21054, call letters KHCTV, as a relay broadcast station on the frequency 2790 kc., to relay broadcast program in connection with endurance flight, for the period July 23 to August 15, 1939, to be rebroadcast over station WBAL.
W8XIQ-W8XIR — WGAR Broadcasting Co., Cleveland, Ohio. — Granted extension of special temporary authority to operate relay broadcast (experimental) stations W8XIQ and W8XIR on the frequency 31220 kc., pending definite arrangements to be made to eliminate interference with Cleveland’s police radio service, for the period July 28 to 3 a. m., EST, August 1, 1939.