Asian Broadcasting Union, 1965-1967 (1965-1967)

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ASIAN BROADCASTING UNION BOX 3636, G.P.O., SYDNEY. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY-GENERAL CABLE ADDRESS: ASBUN. SYDNEY 11th November, 1965 Dear Mr. Hltrley, I want to thank you for your letter of 13th October, sent to me in Tokyo, and to say that I am very sorry I could not reply earlier. Until the end of October I was very busy with our General Assembly and since I returned to Sydney last week my time has also been crowded in organising an unexpected journey overseas on which I am to start tomorrow. As I promised, I had a talk with some of our influential full members at a» unofficial meeting before our General Assembly and raised the question of the operational budget on which NAEB should be assessed if it were to apply for associate membership. I found that a few of them were not happy about accepting NAEB*s own budget. While those who expressed doubts would have welcomed your Association as a member, they were concerned that there might be other organisations in the same situation and that they might therefore be setting a precedent. As £ had received your letter immediately before the General Assembly opened the matter thus had to be put before these members without their having time for preliminary thought, so this cautious approach was perhaps understandable. Rather than have any division of opinion, I thought it best to let the matter drop for the time being and therefore the application was not officially submitted. I personally was very sorry about this but I would particularly like to stress that the discussion made it clear the NAEB would be warmly welcome as a member, the only question being that relating to the possibility of creating a precedent# I will pursue this aspect of the matter as opportunity offers among the members and I would think that by the time of our 1966 General Assembly there will be no difficulty about putting forward the application with NAEB*s own operational budget insteadof the figure representirg the budgets of its members. I would very much have liked to see you again while I am overseas in the next few weeks but do not at presentsee how I could manage to go to Washington. I am going at this time mainly because I have been offered the opportunity of making the journey at very little cost tb the ABU and, as the ABU has only a very small budget for travelling, I cannot afford to miss the chance of discussing decisions made at our recent General Assembly with organisations in Europe and the U.S.A. such as PAO, ITU, UNESCO, the U.N. Special Fund, the Ford Foundation and the Asia Foundation. It will be a very crowded trip as I have a very large amount to do, in many different places, in about five weeks. 1 I expect to be in New York from the night of 11th December to the late afternoon of the 16th but as I have many contacts to make there it would be difficult to include a trip to Washington without extending my absence overseas,which my wife would object to as she is already not happy about lay being away until 19th December. She says she will have most of the responsibilities and little of the preliminary fun of the festive season l I will keep you posted about the situation regarding your application. In the meantime it would help me if you could let me know whether you know of any other organisations which are in fact in the exactly same situation as NAEB. ■With kind regards, CHARLES MOSES Secretary-General Mr. William G. Harley, President, National Association of Education Broadcasters, 1346 Connecticut Avenue, WASHINGTON D.C. 20036, U.S.A.