Foundations, Ford, 1959 (1956-1959)

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VIII. SUMMARY 54 In summary, we feel that the NAEB has provided a very vital service to the men, women and children of this country, and especially to the fields of education and culture, during the past few years. We believe that a firm place in American culture and society is becoming established for educational broad¬ casting. We hope and believe that part of this progress is due to the activi¬ ties of our Association. However, we realize that we have only begun, with what we must do, and that we must not only continue to serve as we have in the past. We must also greatly Increase our services to educators, educa¬ tional broadcasting and the general public. As explained in this report, one of our greatest strengths is in our committee structure. Several NAEB committees are currently working on proj¬ ects to improve present services, increase the professional stature of educa¬ tional broadcasters, and provide a sounder financial basis for the NAEB, as the Association to which such individuals can look for leadership, standards and assistance. We realize that outside assistance will be needed for several years, especially for new and special projects. We believe that this support win continue to be forthcoming from sources Interested in the advancement of American education. And we are looking toward the day when the Association may become completely self-supporting — a status which, although slowly, it is gradually approaching. We acknowledge with warm gratitude the assistance of the FAE and the Ford Foundation in making possible the progress reported above. We are grate¬ ful to the representatives of both, who have shown us the utmost courtesy and