Miscellaneous Documents of the National Association of Educational Broadcasters (January 1, 1929)

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-3- WKAR, Fast Lansinsr, Hi oh.; Michigan State College. WEAO, 0 o iumbu*i Ohio State University. WWAD, Worman, Okie.; University of Oklahoma. WTAW, College Station, Tex.; Agricultural and Mechanical College. WILL, Urbana* Ill.; University of Illinois. WOI, Ames, Iowa; Iowa. State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Art a WSUI, Iowa City, Iowa; State University of Iowa. KFKU, Lawrence, Kans.; University of Kansas. XSAO, Manhattan, Kans.; Kansas City College of Agriculture and. Aoplied Science. WLB-WQMS, Minneapolis; University of Minnesota. KFDY, Brookings, S, Dak.; South Dakota State College. I'CAT, Rapid City, S. Dak.; VflCXtffVmfXMt South Dakota 3ta*e School of Mines. KUGD, Vermillion, S. Dak.University of South Dakota. WHA, Madison, Wis.; University of Wisconsin. KOAC, Corvallis, Oreg.; Oregon State Agricultural College. KBPS, Portland, Oreg.; Benson Polytechnic School. WKSC, Pullman, Wash.; State College of Washington. RELIGIOUS STATIONS SELLING TIME WABI, Bangor, Me.; First Universalist Society of Bangor. WCBA, Allentown, Pa.; 8. B r yan Musselman. flLWL * New York; Missionary Society of St. Paul the Apostle. WOQ, Kansas City t H 0 ,j Unity School of Christianity. KFXR, Oklahoma City; Exchange Avenue Bantiet Church. KRE, Berkeley, C a Uf.; First Congregational Church. (more)