University of Oklahoma WNAD Bulletin (February 1, 1948)

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@ WNAD PROGRAM BULLETIN: Newscast Schedule Morning 8:459:00—News Roundup (AP) 9:45-10:00--SOONER NEWS 0:45-11:00-—World News (AP) Afternoon 12:45-12:55—-Consumer-Farm News 2:453:00—World News (AP) 4:004:05—Features in the News 4 6 1 :455:00—News of the Nation (AP) : :006:15—World News & Sports (AP) WNAD Almanac Daily, 8:05-8:15 A brief commentary on national and international affairs is presented each morning by W. S. Morgan, WNAD Production Manager. The leased wire of the Associated Press furnishes material for the broadcast. Oklahoma news items are included on the Almanac each day. Sooner Poll* Wednesdays, 2:15-2:30 The world at large has the Gallup Poll; here on the campus of the university, we have the Sooner Poll—a cross section of student opinion on leading topics of the day. Each week, at this time, WNAD’s travelling microphone is set up in the Main Lounge of the Memorial Union Building and WNAD’s Inquiring Reporter discovers just what the eds and coeds are thinking about some outstanding~question of the day. Young Manpower At Work Thursdays, 3:30-3:45 » Format for this broadcast remains the same as previously with the Junior Chainber of Commerce presenting news of its activities on the local, state, national and international scale. One program each month is devoted to each of the categories. Kenneth Harris, who is in charge of the series, also devotes one program to latest news of happenings on the Jaycee front. \ The World In ~ Review Thursdays, 5:00-5:15 Dr. Oliver E. Benson _— This popular series continues during the spring semester with Dr. Oliver Benson, chairman ‘of the department of government, presenting his weekly | analysis of world happenings during February. Dr. Rufus G. Hall will return to the microphone during March and Dr. Royden J. Dangerfield will broadcast in April. Dr. Benson will conclude the series in May. Page 4 Between You And Me Tuesdays, 5:00-5:15 Dr. Howard O. Eaton y Dr. Howard O. Eaton returns to the WNAD microphone this semester with his 15-minute weekly commentary on current world events. Dr. Eaton is a professor of philosophy at O. U. and is a former economic analyst in the department of commerce at Washington. He has also served with the state department as economic analyst at the American Embassy at Ankara. 0. U. TO YOU People You Should Know Mondays, 2:15-2:30 = This series of weekly 15-minute interview programs moves to a new spot this semester at 2:15 on Mondays. Personnel of the Radio Workshop (students in the school of radio) introduce you to leading persons on the campus of the university, including both faculty members and administrators. The President of O. U. Speaks Mondays, 5:30-5:45 Dr. George L. Cross, president of the University of Oklahoma, continues his policy of discussing over WNAD for the listener’s benefit various University policies and activities. Dr. Cross also pays tribute to university persons who are outstanding in their field. Turning Back the Years” Wednesdays, 1:00-1:15 Each Thursday morning WNAD turns back the years for a look at things interesting to us of today and of vital importance to the peoples who lived hundreds .. . even thousands of years ago. Bill Morgan and WNAD’s microphone go visiting in the University museums. You are cordially igvited to go along with them via your loudspeaker for you'll never know in advance just what will turn up. OKLAHOMA PROGRAMS Around Oklahoma Tuesdays, 3:30-4:00 During February four more cities have been invited to participate on this series designed to give the listener a more thorough knowledge of the historical background, enterprises, places of interest, industrial opportunities and cultural advantages of the various cities in Oklahoma. Those to be represented are: Feb. 3—Guthrie Feb. 10—Guymon Feb. 17—Hobart Feb. 24—-Holdenville 2 ‘if