University of Oklahoma WNAD Bulletin (June 1, 1948)

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@ WNAD PROGRAM BULLETIN New Worlds in Books Thursday, 3:45-4:00 Prof. I. J. Sollenberger Newest releases from leading American publishers ; are reviewed for you by members of the University fit faculty. Here you have the opportunity of hearing-~lat ; est leading books reviewed by experts. June selections ‘ include: my June 3—Millhollen and Kaplan’s PRESIDENTS ON a: PARADE (MacMillan) reviewed by Dr. A. : K. Christian : June 10—Gilbert’s INSURANCE AND YOUR SE te CURITY (Rinehart) reviewed by Prof. i I. J. Sollenberger June 17—Heron’s WHY MEN WORK (Stanford Uni ; fersity Press) reviewed by Dr. Ronald B. Shuman i June 24—Crankshaw’s RUSSIA AND THE RUS. SIANS (Viking) reviewed by Dr. A. B. Sears Z Oklahoma Writers* fe Monday, 3:30-3:45 : Mrs. Fayette Copeland, editor of the Sunday Oklahoman Book Page, brings vital informationabout Oklahoma writers to our WNAD microphone. In this series our listeners will not be brought face to face with Oklahoma writers, but emphasis will be laid on the fact that here in Oklahoma we do have a host of writers who are contributing to the cultural patterns of the Southwest and the nation as a whole. June 7—W. S. Campbell June 14—Alice Marriott June 21—Dorothy Cameron Disney June 28—Dr. Gustav Mueller ee Set Seen ene te Reading for Pleasure” Monday through Friday, 10:15-10:30 Won't you take this few moments in the mid-morn| ing to relax and join Virginia Ward as she reads for your pleasure—favorite poems, short stories, essays— a variety of entertaining and enjoyable material planned especially for you. Rhyme Without Reason* ® Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11:30-11:45 Your interpreter for this quarter-hour program of light and sentimental verse will be Bob Nelson. The program will include selections on the organ during _ the readings of these short poems and in the inter— ludes. There’s reason enough for RHYMES WITHOUT REASON if this program inspires a happy | thought for the day. _ yt Page 4 ba NEWS & RELATED PROGRAMS Newscast Schedule Morning 8: 8:02—Weather Report 8: 9:00—NEWS ROUNDUP (AP) 9:45-10:00—Sooner News 10:45-11:00—-WORLD NEWS (AP) 00 45 45 45Afternoon :45-12:55—Consumer-Farm News (Tues. thru Sat.) :551:00—Weather Report (Tues. thru Sat.) :453:00-—-WORLD NEWS (AP) :455:00—-NEWS OF THE NATION = :156:30-—-WORLD NEWS (AP) Geography In the News* Friday, 1:00-1:15 . As you listen to a WNAD newscast, have you ever wondered about the faraway places mentioned in the news of the day? Well, here’s a program which will answer all of those questions about places in the news which you’ve asked yourself and others. Experts in the field of Geography from the newly-created Department of Geography here on the campus will handle ~ broadcast details for WNAD each week. These men are Professors H. E. Hoy, Clyde Bollinger and Ralph E, Olson. Between You and Me Wednesday, 5:30-5:45 Dr. Howard, O. Eaton Dr. Howard O+ Eaton will be heard at a new time during June with his weekly commentary on the news. Dr. Eaton, who is a professor of philosophy, has held positions as economic analyst with the State Department in Turkey and has also served as technical advisor to several committees and groups in the U. S. Senate. Young Man-Power at Work Thursday, 3:30-3:45 The Junior Chamber of Commerce from Ardmore will be featured on this series on the third broadcast in June. YOUNG MANPOWER AT WORK presents a complete view of the scope of Jaycee activities throughout the world. News of national, international, local and state groups is included. Kenneth Harris, state director of public relations for the Oklahoma organi zation, presents the program. * * * * 0.U. TO YOU On the Campus* Wednesday, 4:15-4:30 Each summer on the campus of the University oc /