University of Oklahoma WNAD Bulletin (June 1, 1948)

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a eae ee i , @ WNAD PROGRAM BULLETIN Member, National Associatior wes WNAD PROGK oe 1000 Watts. Your Best Bet for Al TIME | MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 7:45 Musical Merry-Go-Round Musical Merry-Go-Round Musical Merry-Go-Round 8:00 — Weather Report ’ ‘Weather Report Weather Report 8:02 Today’s Good Listening Today’s Good Listening Today’s Good Listening 8:05 WNAD Almanac WNAD Almanac WNAD Almanac 8:15 Chapel Time Chapel Time Chapel Time 8:30 Hymns of Faith Songs of the Church Organ Masterworks 8:45 NEWS ROUND-UP (AP) NEWS ROUND-UP (AP) NEWS ROUND-UP (AP) 9:00 Morning Concert Morning Concert ’ . Morning Concert 9 215 “ ii3 “ “ » ee “ce 9:30 101 Great Books Great Men At Play Women in the Theatre 9:45 SOONER NEWS © SOONER NEWS -SOONER NEWS 10:00 °° Melodic Moments Melodic Moments Melodic Moments 10:15 Reading for Pleasure Reading for Pleasure Reading for Pleasure 10:30 Music Styled For You Music Styled for You Music Styled for You 10:45 WORLD NEWS (AP) WORLD NEWS (AP) WORLD NEWS (AP) 11:00 Women’s Daily Women’s Daily Women’s Daily 11:15 Songs to Remember Songs to Remember Songs to Remember 11:30 Rhyme Without Reason America Always Rhyme Without Reason 11:45 Jr. Citizens of Norman Jr. Citizens of Norman Jr. Citizens of Norman 12:00 Noon-Day. Concert Noon-Day Concert Noon-Day Concert . 12:15 “ce “c cc 66 he 6c “cc “ce “ce 12:30 4 “cc “cc oe “ec “ce “ ee “cc “ce 12:45 ‘Education Luncheon CONSUMER-FARM NEWS CONSUMER-FARM NEWS 2:55? & s Weather Report Weather Report 1:00 Better Health Indians for Indians ; The Quizmaster 1:15 “Turning Back the Years Sea { Research Report 1:30 A Story A Day A Story A Day A Story A Day 1:45 Music You Want Music You Want Music You Want 2:00 “ ce “ce “ “ec “ iii ce “ 2:15 People You Should Know Physical Medicine Sooner Poll 2:30 Continued Tomorrow Continued Tomorrow Continued Tomorrow 2:45 | WORLD NEWS (AP) WORLD NEWS (AP) WORLD NEWS (AP) 3:00 Treasury Piano Recordings Notes & Clefs Treasury Piano Recordings 3:15 , “cc “cc oc (T3 se cc 3 “cc ce 3:30 © Oklahoma Writers .Around Oklahoma English Coffee-House 3:45 A Song For You os sh fs S 5 4:00 SAFETY in the Home SAFETY on the Farm SAFETY in Norman 4:05 Music Matineé _ Music Matinee Music Matinee 4:15 ss P: On the Campus 4:30 Excursions in Science Science News of the Week Spotlight on Research 4:45 NATIONAL NEWS (AP) NATIONAL NEWS (AP) NATIONAL NEWS (AP) 5:00 Promising Efforts Developing a Curriculum Guide Wednesday Musicale 5:15. Looking Westward “London Forum . Drama Time 5:30 Great Men in Law Hs i Between You and Me 3% 5:45 Concert in Miniature Concert in Miniature Concert in Miniature 6:00 . Sports World Sports World Sports World 6:15 = WORLD NEWS (AP) WORLD NEWS (AP) WORLD NEWS (AP) 6:30 | Evening Concert _ Evening Concert Evening Concert 6 245 “cc ce = “cc “cc “ “ 7:00 SIGN-OFF SIGN-OFF SIGN-OFF _* Report to Oklahoma—June 5th and 19th