University of Oklahoma WNAD Bulletin (November 1, 1948)

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SS ee ~ 5 SEP F on a WNAD PROGRAM BULLETIN @ Music You Want ; ea OVEN, Quartet No. 4 in C Minor Op. 18 ct eS fs No. 4. : : | Day: LEP eNS Nov. 9—SCHUBERT, Sonata in A Minor: Nov. 1—BRAHMS, Concerto for Violin in D Major. _ SCHUMANN, Romances in A Minor. . eee, ‘ . . 4 . ¥ Noy. 2—Program of Johann Strauss Waltzes. __ Nov. 16—DVORAK, Quintet Oe ae Mole. Nov. 23—PACHELBEL, Canon; -RAMEAU, La Nov. SArias from “La Boheme” and Butterfly” Pantomime; MOZART, Duo No. 2 i in B Flav ( Puccini). : Major K. 424; TSCHAIKOWSKY, Quartet Noy. 4—Know Your RCA Victor Record Catalog. in E Flat Minor, Scherzo. Nov. 5—BEETHOVEN, ee Sonata in C Nov. 30—BEETHOVEN, Sonata No. 9 in A Major “Kruetzer” for Violin and Piano Op. 47. Minor. Noy. 6—MENDELSSOHN, Symphony No. 5 in rd Minor. THEMES FOR FALL PROGRAMS Nov. 8—CHOPIN, Les Sylphides. | ; For those listeners who have requested information Nov. 9—WAGNER, Overture to Tannhéuser. about music themes for WNAD programs, we are happy to list them for you. Nov. 10—TSCHAIKOWSKY, Concerto for Violin in D. ¢ 1. Musical Merry-Go-Round Nov. 11—BEETHOVEN, ses uae No. 9 2S oe EN et UE WOODSIDE? Basie (“Choral”). 2. Chapel Time —MY FAITH LOOKS UP Nov. 12—RACHMANINOFF, Prelude in C Sharp 3. Morning Concert Minor ~ oo —LARGO FROM SYMPHONY No. 5—Shostak_ Nov. 3—SCHUBERT, Trio No. 1 in B Flat. ovich Nov. 15—MOZART, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik. 4. Melodic Moments —THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GIRL IN THE WORLD—from Jumbo, Rodgers Women’s Daily (Friml). . —SLAVONIC DANCE No. 3—Dvorak Nov. 18—The Music of Ernesto Lecuona. , 6. Songs to Remember Nov. 19—TSCHAIKOWSKY, Romeo and Juliet. —INTERMEZZO from Cavalleria Rusticana— $ Mascagni Noy. 20—HERBERT, Selections from Eileen. Nov. 16—SIBELIUS, Symphony No. 2 in D. Nov. 17—“Donkey Serenade” and “Giannini Mia” 5 7. Noonday Concert Nov. 22—WEINBERGER, Schwanda, Polka mies —ADAGIO from Violin Sonata No. 3—Bach Fugue. _ 8. Music You Want ‘Nov. 23—ENESCO, Roumanian Rhapsody No. 1. _ AIR FOR THE G STRING from Suite No. 3 in Nov. 24—SMETANA, The Moldan. oe ane : 9. Notes and Clefs Nov. 25—Wagner Program. —SCHERZO from Trio No. 1 aes Nov. 26—Echoes from Grand Opera. 10. Music Matinee Nov. 27—COPLAND, Appalachian Spring. | TWILIGHT TIME 11. March Time . 29— ladimir H i : ; Nov 9—A Vladimir Horowitz Program FAIREST OF THE FAIR—Sousa Nov. 30—Bluebird of Happiness. 1S fad of th Riakow —OVER THE RAINBOW—Arlen, Heat NOTES AND CLEFS 13. Oklahoma Family Life Forum a. % : _ —-ACCELERATION WALTZ—J. Strauss Tuesdays, 3:00-3:30 14. Songs of Yesteryear Nov. 2—BACH, Church Cantata, Sinfonia; BEETH; —SOUVENIR—Drdla es is | | Ned , Page 15