University of Oklahoma WNAD Bulletin (October 1, 1948)

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if @ WNAD PROGRAM BULLETIN ae PROGRAM NOTES — Pe This issue introduces 25 new program series for your fall listening rlessae. You will find the new programs marked with an asterisk on the daily program schedule (pages 8-9) with details about these series included under the proper headings. To insure “all day good listening” keep tuned to 640 on your radio dial where WNAD, the southwest’ s oldest edu-. cational radio station, broadcasts on a full day-time schedule. FARM & GARDEN” Consumer-Farm News Monday thru Saturday, 12:45 Your consumer-farm news reporter brings you upto-date news on the market situation, late consumer news and farm reports on this daily review furnished by the Associated Press. — County Agent Reports Saturday, 11:45-12:00 Cleveland County Agent Ed Chambers returns to the WNAD microphone for a weekly program of particular interest to the agriculturalist. News and events .on the farm front are included on each week’s program. _ State Garden Clubs Thursday, 1:00-1:15 Mrs. A. J. Williams, honorary president of the Oklahoma Garden Clubs, is your hostess for this weekly chat about flowers and gardens. HERE AND THERE | Current Financial Affairs Thursday, 5:15-5: 30 Sponsored by the Department of Finance this series proposes to give the listener practical information about financial matters. Prof. B. H. Gilheeee ye ae: sents the programs. Oct. 7—What your bank does for you and your community. Oct. 14—Laws and regulations which protect you as a. depositor and borrower. Oct. 21—Why there are different kinds and sizes of _ banks. Oct. 28—How to use the services of your bank. For the Record Friday, 9:30-9:45 This series follows the experiences of two Freshmen, Betty Coed and Joe College, who are typical of hun| dreds of first-year students: They explore the health resources offered by the Student tes Service at the University of Oklahoma. Oct. LSE rHerTieW, with Dr. James O. Hood, Director, Student Health Service. Oct. 8—Physical Examinations. Oct. 15—Physical Therapy. Oct, 22—Surgery at Student Health Center. } : Oct. ¥ 29—Planning time wisely and healthfully. Information Desk Friday, 1:15-1:30 . Presenting the ‘Veterans’ News iper of the. Air” with the first headlines of the week, Mr. E. G. (Pop) Holdren comes to the WNAD microphone for a week ly talk about veterans’ affairs. He will discuss new regulations affecting veterans and the various Veterans” ios, ree y } The Question Box Saturday, 10:15-10:45 The Norman Junior Chamber of Commerce is sponsor of this ‘““Quiz Kid” series which is a contest among the Norman grade schools with a prize to be awarded the winner at the end of the series. Varied questions will be asked according to the grade represented each week. The radio audience is asked to submit questions’ » about history, math, spelling, current events, etc. Par ticipants will be chosen by their classmates. Troop 640, BSA Saturday, 11:30-11:45 “WNAD RADIO TROOP 640 goes on the a air for the first time October 2 under the leadership of Scout’.master Jim Thomas. Through membership in Troop 640 Scouts of Norman will have an opportunity to earn various badgers and in the future Troop 640 will embrace Lone Scouts throughout the country. Each broadcast will include short resin ges and five minutes of Scout News. _ University of Oklahoma Bulletin is issued étnbimouthly. Entered at the Post Office at Norman, Oklahoma, as second class matter under the Act of August 24, 1912. Office of Publication, University of Oklahoma Press. NEW SERIES NO. 1003 Pace 2 . OCTOBER 1, 1948.