University of Oklahoma WNAD Bulletin (October 1, 1948)

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4 , ‘ , : a @ WNAD PROGRAM BULLETIN Radio Station WILL lniv. OF Lily. Urbana, I1l. | Sincerely Yours ye OW. ON A. D. | Once more as a new school year begins here at the University of Oklahoma, WNAD and © the entire staff wish to extend their greetings to all of you. This is the 40th edition of the. WNAD Program Bulletin. Some of you have been members of our great family of listen_ ing friends for years. Others are relatively new comers. To all of you, we hope youll findthe , bulletin a helpful listening aid for greater enjoyment of the host of new and old programs — of WNAD. ce The first Bulletin was published in December, 1944. At that time, there were only 3,241 individuals receiving the Bulletin. This issue will go out to more than 11,000 WNAD listeners in 500 Oklahoma towns, 87 Kansas towns, 133 cas in’ Texas and 13 towns in Arkansas. In less than four years the Bulletin mailing list has more than tripled in size—evidence to us that you, our listeners, enjoy WNAD and want to know more about its programs. At the time this is being written, WNAD is in the midst of extensive improvements. A _ ‘new transmitter site has been purchased six and one-half airline miles north of Norman. On this site, the university is erecting a’new and modern transmitter building to house a new AM transmitter and the FM transmitter for WNAD-FM. The present tower will be moved to this site and an additional one hundred feet will be added to make the total height of WNAD and WNAD-FM’s radio tower 405 feet. All of these new technical improvements will mean that WNAD and WNAD-FM will be better able to serve you—our listeners. NOW HERE IS AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: During the month of October, it will be necessary for WNAD to use its emergency antenna system. This will mean that many of you will not be able to tune in WNAD for a period of about two weeks while we're making the change over our new radio antenna. PLEASE be patient with us. We'll work as fast as possible so that your listening will be interrupted only a short time. WNAD-E™, the Frequency Modulation broadcast service of the University of Okla ~ homa will make its debut, according to present plans, the first part of November. For many of you who have FM receivers, this will mean added enjoyment of WNAD’s good music programs as well as other types of broadcasts. . ; A proposal to include a rather extensive layout of new offices and studios for WNAD and WNAD-F™M in an addition on the south of the present Memorial Union Building has been approved by the Board of Governors of the Oklahoma Memorial Union Building. Wg know that all of our listening friends will be interested to learn this fact. More about our plans later on. FINALLY ... KEEP THOSE CARDS AND LETTERS COMING TO US. WE WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT WNAD AND THE HUNDREDS — _ OF PROGRAMS WE BROADCAST FOR YOU. > ’ Page 16 ; be oe : ae a