University of Oklahoma WNAD Bulletin (March 1, 1949)

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~ fessor of Far Eastern history and director of the newly created Institute of Asiatic Affairs, with the hope of reaching a better understanding of the present situation as well as the underlying reason for it. Mimeographed copies of the lectures may be obtained by writing to WNAD or the Institute of Asiatic Affairs. Dr. Buchanan, who was born in Japan, has spent 30 years in the Far East. March 7—China: Dangerpoint to World Peace. March 14—Japan: Japan Wins a War. March 21—Japan: Mikado MacArthur. March 29—Japan: Whither? Look at Australia Thursdays, 11:45-12:00 Fifteen-minute visits with our friends across the Pacific, with Henry Milo as our host. The World in Review Daily: 5:00-5:15” Current trends in the world at large viewed from the standpoint of five different fields, geography, economics, philosophy, government and history. Mondays: Geography, Bollinger, Hoy, Morris, Olson, Rodgers. Tuesdays: Economics, Immerdauer, Lee, Reese. Wednesdays: Philosophy, Eaton. ‘Thursdays: Government, Duncan, Benson. Fridays: History, McReynolds. BACKWARD GLANCE Makers of, the Constitution Tuesdays, 9:30-9:45 Dr. A. K. Christian, professor of history, retells stories of the lives of the important men attending the Constitutional Convention, and later leaders who influenced changes in the original document. March 1—Yates and Lansing. March 8—Benjamin Franklin. March 15—George Mason. March 22—William Paterson. March 29—James Wilson. American Colonial Life rg Thursdays, 9:30-9:45 Continuing the series on our colonial forbears, Dr. — Donnell Owings, of the department of history, takes up the non-English immigrant groups. March 3—The Quakers. March 10—The Dutch. WNAD NEWS BULLETIN @ © a; March 17—The Swedes. March 24—The Jews. March 31—The Huguenots. Mankind Under Discussion Mondays, 4:15-4:30 Various approaches to the field of anthropology, including research done at. the University, described for you by members of the department of anthropology. March 7—Ethnology: Dr. Karl Schmitt. March 14—Social Anthropology: Schmitt and Dr. Paul L. Garvin. | March 21—Common Questions Asked about ss. Archaeology: Dr. Robert Bell. March 28—Archaeological Research in Oklahoma: Dr. Bell. American Indians Today Tuesdays, 4:30-4:45 A series on the Indians of the United States and their place in the cultural and social-pattern of our country. Dr. E. E. Dale, professor of history, who conducts the program, will send lists of books on Indians to listeners requesting the information. March 1—The Navajo and His Problem. March 8—The Apache in War and Peace. March 15—Red Riders of the Plains. March 22—The Indians of Oklahoma. March 29—The End of the Indian Problem. LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE. Great Men and Books Fridays, 4:15-4:30 Ze The practical benefits which great men have de rived from books, as drawn from the record of their lives, is told in this series by Dr. Gaston Litton who is directing the program at O. U. for the collection of the trunks of papers of early settlers, the files of pioneer Oklahoma business firms, and the boxes of materials of early-day civic and social associations. The men whose lives will re reviewed this month are: March 4—John A. Brashear. March 11—Christopher L. Sholes. March 18—Abraham Lincoln. ~ March 25—Jim Tully. 101 Great Books Mondays, 9:30-9:45 J. L. Rader, University librarian, reviews books . which he considers interesting to the average reader, — Page 3 SN << =k ; : =a mes