NAEB Newsletter (Nov 1931)

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SPECIAL BULLETIN Relcaso Date November 5, 1931 TO MEMBERS THE ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY BROADCASTING STATIONS (and a special request nailing list in addition to members^ Listed below you will find some very important communications of general interest to the Association of College and University Broadcasting Stations which have been re¬ ceived since October 15. May I ask that the program managers and directors of the membership list check carefully for special comments and questions presented in many of these communications. We are finding it impossible to answer many requests re¬ ceived from bulletins released, more especially when they deal with work of some specific station. Many of the communications listed in this bulletin deal with sta¬ tions in our membership list. It is expected that the program director will note carefully the portions of the bulletin that dead with his work and correspond with the individual seeking special information, etc. May I also urge at this time that the membors of the Association note on their calen¬ dars and send to this office at least every two weeks reports of progress, being made in their program work or any other points of interest that should be released to the entire membership. True, it takes a great deal of detail work to issue special bul¬ letins of this type, and the success of your special bulletin depends on the coopera¬ tion accorded the movement by members of the Association. A number of us have been of the opinion for some years that a special bulletin could be made one of the most effective parts of the program of our Association. Personally, I have gained a groat deal of valuable information for use in our station from the exchange of ideas. I am sure that every station official can profit in these exchanges of ideas if he will but contribute "highlights” of interesting developments from his own institution. FROM MR, C. I’:. KOON, SENIOR SPECIALIST IN EDUCATION BY RADIO, UNITED STATES DEPART¬ MENT OF INTERIOR, OFFICE OF EDUCATION, WASHINGTON, D. C. COMES THn FOLLOWING COMUNI- CATION: "Wo arc pleased to note the service you are rendering the members of your association in your attempt to improve the broadcast programs by moans of exchanging records that could be used for broadcast purposes. "At the Radio Institute in Columbus, Mr. Harold Lafount of the Federal Radio Commission said that educational stations were using only one-third of the time allotted to them. Under these circumstances it occurs to us that no pains should be spared to insuro that educational broadcasting stations make more use of their available time on the air.” ”We appreciate some of the handicaps and limitations of college broadcasting stations. Do you think that educational broadcasting service might be materially extended and improved by a rather general exchange of programs? The National Committee on Education by Radio probably would appreciate on article by you on this subject for their bulletin, 'Education by Radio.” ”ln what ways might the Office of Education bo of assistance to your organization in extending the service of college broadcasting stations?" (NOTE: May I call your attention to the last paragraph of the communication from Mr. Koon, iii which he asks in what ways the Office of Education might be of assistance to the Association of College and University Broadcasting Stations in extending the serivee of college broadcasting stations. May I ask for suggestions and answers to this question from each station official holding membership in the Association. Will you please send these to me on or before November 15. I trust that we may assemble a list of subjects from the members that will be helpful to Mr. Koon in organizing the work of the Office of Education to bo of direct assistance to the Association. May I hear from you at once relative to this matter.)