NAEB Newsletter (November 16, 1931)

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SPECIAL BULLETIN Release Date November 16, 1931 TO MEMBERS of THE ASSOCIATION OP COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY BROADCASTING STATIONS (and a special request mailing list in addition to members) Listed below you will find two very important communications. The first is from LEVERING TYSON, DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL ON RADIO IN EDUCATION, OF NEW YORK CITY, I am releasing this communication to the membership as a special rush bulletin in order that we may get the reaction from the entire group within the next ten days. Kindly note the subject matter presented in Mr, Tyson’s letter relative to the electrical transcriptions of lectures now being released over a nation-wide network, sponsored by the economics and psychology committees of the National Advisory Council. We most assuredly need these materials for the membership. If enough interest is shown by the membership there is no question in my mind but that Mr. Tyson will ar¬ range to have the series oloctricallv transcribed. This is our chance. It depends upon YOUR immediate action. Will you kindlv rush n letter to Mr, Tyson (address 60 E. 42nd Street, New York City) and explain that wo need this material for the member stations of the Association, Will you kindly do this today in order that Mr. Tyson may realize the need that college and university broadcasting stations have for this excellent series of lectures. I will appreciate your sending a carbon copy to this office in order that we nay complete our records before further advising Mr. Tyson of the Association's reaction. PLEASE DO THIS TODAY. The following is a copy of Mr. Tyson’s letter: "Your special bulletin with release date November 5 has just come in and is very in¬ teresting. "There is a bit of information which I would very much like to have if it is entirely in order to ask for it. "Perhaps you are aware of the fact that the economics and psychology committees of the Council have been broadcasting programs over a nation-wide network beginning October 17th. I am enclosing a list of the two series. Those were put on the air a little bit earlier than we expected would be possible as we hardly thought it would be possible to get them ready before January 1st. Because of this some of the details which we expected to clear wore not settled. One of these was the possibility of electrical transcriptions of the lectures. Since the start of both series we have had indications from quite a few sources that the lectures should be electrically trans¬ cribed for distribution to non-network stations. "What I would like to find out from members of the Association of College and Uni¬ versity Broadcasting Stations is whether these stations would be at all interested in transcriptions of the various items in those two series. "The enclosed circular covers only the first ten lectures and there are thirty al¬ together., Both series will continue after the Christmas holidays for twenty weeks. "Wo have other committees of the Council ready with programs and as these come along the question of transcriptions will arise again so you can realize that the effective¬ ness of transcriptions in the eyes of the college and university broadcasting stations is a question which interests us very much, /my information on this point you can discover for me would be very much appreciated."