NAEB Newsletter (October 13, 1937)

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REVISED PROGRAM NATIONAL ASSOCIATION EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTERS ANNUAL CONVENTION UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 114 Woman's Building Morning 9s00 A.M. - Registration ... 114 Woman's Building on South Wright Street 10:00 A.M. - Greetings ... Dean A. J. Harno, Provost University of Illinois Response and President's Address •••.••••• H. B. McCarty, WHA How Educational Stations Win and Hold Listeners ... W. I. Griffith, WOI How Educational Institutions may Effec¬ tively use Commercial Stations ...... Allen Miller, University Broadcasting Council, Chicago Auditory Education . L. A. Astell, University of Illinois Afternoon 114 Woman's Building 1:30 P.M. - News From the Nation's Capitol ... Our Own Problems S. Howard Evans, National Committee on Education by Radio Garland Powell, WRUF Luke Roberts, KOAC Others 4:30 P.M. - Tour of WILL and University Campus 6:00 P.M. - Supper Get-Together Evening 114 Woman's Building Program Session 7:30 P.M. - Announcing Everett Mitchell, NBC