NAEB Newsletter (October 13, 1937)

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Engineering Session Lower Gymnasium - Woman's Building 7j30 P.M. - Constructing a Directional System .. John Doak, University of Illinois Coupled Circuit Theory as Applied to Transmitter Tuning ....Dr. C. B. Aiken, WBAA Is An Educational Network Technically Feasible? ....Carl Menzer, WSUI What About Television for Educational Stations? .... M. W. Horrell, KSAC TUESDAY > SEPTEMBER 14 Morning 114 Woman's Building 9:30 A.M. - What's New in Broadcast Equipment? ....... A. James Ebel, WILL Recording Technique and Equipment ........ John Stiehl, WHA Music Regulations and Copyright Lav/ . F. S. Siebert, University of Illinois Afternoon 114 Woman's Building 1:00 P.M. - Business Meeting 2:00 P.M. - What I'd Like to Hear on the Radio . By A Listener Listening Groups .. Elmer Sulzor, University of Kentucky Adjournment