NAEB Newsletter (Sept 1941)

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NAEB SCRIPT EXCHANGE I. SCRJ PTS IN THE NAEB SCRIPT EXCHANGE WILL BE SUPPLIED BY MEMBERS OF NAEB AND WILL BE FOR NON-COMMERCIAL USE OF THE NAEB MEMBERSo 2o Members are expectedjto^contribute such scripts as may be USED BY OTHER NAEB ME? 4 3~?.S» 3. Members furnishing scripts shall furnish a release for use OF THE SCRIPT BY NAEB MEMBERS, OR PROVIDE INFORMATION REGARDING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SCRIPTS MAY BE USEDo 4o Members borrowing scripts from the Exchange and using them SHADl agree to abide by the terms of the agreement. 5. Time limits for use o|f the script shall be set by the Director of the Exchange. Borrowing member shall return the script within the time limit set, and, in addition, shall return an ADDITIONAL COPY WITH THE BORROWED SCRIPT. 6. Headquarters of the NA£B Script Exchange shall be in the office of the Executive Secretary, or such other point as may later be designated by the NAEB Executive Committee. 7. Lists of available scripts will be made available to NAEB members from time to time. 8. To start the NAEB Script Exchange each participating members is ASKED TO CONTRIBUTE TjWELVE (12) SCRIPTS BEFORE OCTOBER l« In starting the Exchange emphasis will be placed upon dramatic scripts. Other type^ will be welcome and later the Exchange WILL BE EXPANDED TO JnCLUDE MANY TYPES. SCRIPTS DEALING WITH National Defense are [also highly desirable. 9. The Director of the NAEB Script Exchange is Nat H. Erwin, WILL, Urbana, Illinois. 1