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( 3 ) Apr, ! 8 - Parties and People Apr© 23 - "Over There” Unit 8; "It Shall Not Perish" (Post War problems * World War 2, summary and good citizenship) Apr. 30 - Challenge to Democracy May 7 - Blackout May 14 - "The People, Yes" In the fields of school broadcasting, W H a is especially well situated TO FURTHER THE "DEFENSE EFFORT" (QUOTES BECAUSE 0 F THE DACK OF A DEFI¬ NITION)© Teachers in service and station workers cooperate to make this A PRACTICAL COURSE FOR SCHOOL LISTENING© Adult and Youth Listening "Following Congress," a feature of the Wisconsin College of the air, FOR FIVE CONSECUTIVE YEARS, IS GIVING LISTENERS WEEK-BY-..EEK REPORTS ON CONGRESSIONAL DEBATE-ANO IN THESE TIMES THAT ANS DEFENSC^^ PRESENTS THE PROS AND CONS HEARD IN CONGRESS ON SUCH TOPICo A ® SERVICE, ARMAMENTS, NEUTRALITY REVISION, AND OTHER SUBJECTS WHICH MAKE THE HEADLINES. *T PRESENTS AUTHENTICATED REPORTS IN 1 HE BELIEF THAT "an informed nation is one of America’s best defenseSo Other Wisconsin College of the Air courses bearing °n the current WORLD SITUATION, CONSIDERING ITS RELATIONSHIP TO THE UNITED ^TATt^S are "The World Today Through Literature," in which outstanding works BY SE 1 ECTEO AUTHORS ARE CONSIDERED, AND "EXPLORING AMERICANA, A STUDY OF THE ELEMENTS WHICH MAKE UP THE CITIZENRY OF THE UNITED STATES. W h A Originates Land Grant College Broadcast. for Nej work On November 19, the National Farm and Home hour (on n !'wT L CoL i -ge’ SENTED FROM THE RADIO H A LL STUDIOS AS THE MONTHLY LAND ^ANT COLLEGE PROGRAM.- THE KEYNOTE OF THE PROGRAM WI^LLBE^THE P.A^OF A^REA t W IHC. I IHu 1 W --- pkuukamo- The keynote of the program will UNIVERSITY IN THE CURRENT CRITICAL TIME AND IN A POST-VAR WORLD. The program was written and will be presented under th- direction The PROGRAM OF w H A WORKERS Among the stock announcements used on W H A in October are those from U. S. Maritime Commission, U. S. Marine Corps, U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, NAB Manpower Announcements, Defense Bonds, and Wisconsin Motor Vehicle Department. (TRUCK MOB I LIZA.ION SURVEY) W NYC REBftOAQCASTS ROOSi? ' \ L T TALKS Following its regular custom of rebroadcasting important defense TALKS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE HOUSEWIVES AND OFF8CE WORKERS OF THE city W N Y C, New York's own Station, scbeduled two rebroadcasts of President Roosevelt’s "Navy Day" speech. The rebroadcasts, in transcribed form, were heard at 7:30 and I I:\3 a.m« on Tuesday, October 28th©