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NAEB NE..S LETTER Page 4 May 15, 1942 1RNA DISBANDS INDEPENDENT *<AD I 0 NETWORK AFF 8 L 8 ATES • . . . A GROUP OF INDEPENDENTLY CWVED RADIO STATION USING NETWORK SERV I CE » . .VOTED MAY 11 TO DIS¬ SOLVE ITS ORGANIZATION* It ADOPTED A RESOLUTION SAYING THAT IT BELIEVED IT HAD SERVED THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH IT WAS CREATED* Sa« D THE statement; “The time has come for FRACTIONAL organizations in THE BROADCASTING INDUSTRY TO TERMINATE FOR THE SAKE OF UN »TY AND TO STRENGTHEN THE ONE ORGANIZATION, THE NA8, WHICH SHOULD ACT FOR ALL BROADCASTERS•” THE MEETING WAS HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE NAB IN CLEVELAND . WNVC TO PRESENT A “CORWIN CYCLE” For THE FIRST TIME IN THE HISTORY OF RADIO, THE WORK OF ONE RADIO WRITER WILL BE REVIVED IN A SPECIAL SERIES. THE WRITER IS NORMAN Corwin, and the series, to be presented over WNYC, will se called “Corwin Cycle.” It will be heard on Wednesday evenings with Mitchell Grayson as director* The programs to be revsed include scripts that were written as early as 1934 and come down the present day. They were chosen by Corwin himself as the most representative of his works. Included in the “anthology” of programs will be "The Odyssey of -(umyon Joines”, “They Fly Through the Air With the Greatest of Ease”, “Descent of the Gods” and many others. As far as possible, the actors who created the rules will play them in revivals. “HANDS ACROSS TIVORIES” ON KWSC Using his nationally known patriotic ballad, "Song of Allegiance,” as a theme song, Russell Danburg, pi anist-composer, presents a weekly half-hour program over K'/jSC, the radio service of the State College of Washington, according to station director Kenneth Yeend, the feature is produced for the special benefit of Air Force Signal Corps troops stationed on the campus. Mr. Danburg, a member of the faculty of the School of Music and Fine Arts, is assisted by Max Agather, a KftSC staff announcer. “riANDS ACROSS THE IvORIES,” AS THE PROGRAM IS TITLED, IS BOTH EDUCA¬ TIONAL AND HIGHLY ENTERTAINING. EACH WEEK A DIFFERENT GUEST FROM AMONG THE TALENTED MUSICIANS IN THE ARMY GROUP IS INVITED TO APPEAR. Vocalists, an accordsanist, a harmonica player, pianists and others HAVE BEEN FEATURED. In ADDITION TO THE ENTERTAINMENT FURNISHED BY THE GUEST ARTIST, SviR. DANBURG PLAYS A NUMBER OF SELECTIONS DURING EACH PROGRAM, SOME OF WHICH ARE ORIGINAL COMPOSITIONS. Cm.il SS10\ RELAXES RULE 3.71 In KEEPING WITH ITS POLICY TO RELAX BROADCAST OPERATING RULES '"HERE DEMANDS OP* THE WAR REQUIRE, THE COMMISSION TODAY ADOPTED A GENERA.. Order which waives Section 3.71 on minimum operating schedules.