NAEB Newsletter (Oct 1943)

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NA£B NEWS LETTER Page 5 October I, 1943 Americans. This Sunoav*s Treasury Hour presents Catherine Reiner, soprano, and Harry Davis, pianist, in a concert of works by Hayon, Schubert, Grieg, Chopin and others. At one p.m. it’s time to go to City Hall to hear another interesting and informative "'Weekly Talk To The Peo^c* by His Honor the Mayor. And Mayor LaGuaaoia’s weekly talks to the people have become a "must" on the listen¬ ing SCHEOIJLE OF MANY Nt* YORKERS. H| 3 NEWS OF ACTIVITIES IN ClTY DEPARTMENTS AND ON THE FOOD PROBLEM OF THI8 CITY OF SEVEN AND ONE-HALF MILLION PERSONS, FORM A COMPREHENSIVE WEEKLY REPORT ON HOW THE MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRATION IS FUNCTIONING —TYPICAL OF THE **AY GOVERNMENT IS RUN IN A DEMOCRACY. Folloy/ing the Mayor, it’s time for more fine music....this time from the Sculpture Court or Brooklyn museum whence WNYC broadcasts the 'War Stamp Concert (this week starring David Holland, pianist, in Beethoven’s "Walostein" Sonata, and four "kdrks of Chopin among others). At 2:30 p.m. 8ASE8ALL FANS GET A TREAT AS WNYC BROADCASTS THE BALL AND STRIKE DESCRIP¬ TION of the Annual City Championship Baseball Game between the New York City Police and Sanitation Departments from Yankee Stadium. Thus in little LESS THAN THREE HOURS, "YOUR ClTY STATION" HAS BROADCAST AN IMPORTANT ADDRESS, CONCERT, AND SPORTS EVEN FROM THREE DIFFERENT BOROUGHS —THAT TO SATISFY ANY AND ALL LI STCN I NO TASTC8 FOR VARIETY. Music again at 5:00 p.m. with a distinguished pianist in a half-hour RECITAL ON THE KEYBOARD MASTERS 1 SERIES (THIS WEEK FEATURING LOLITA CaBRERA Gainsborg in an all-American composer program}. "Answering You" the BBC weekly trans-Atlantic discussion program between Americans and Britons on OUESTIONS OF THE WAR IS HEARD EACH SUNDAY AT 5:30 P.M. THIS WEEK JOHN Kieran, noted expert and wit on Information Please, ano Jimmy Jemail, the Inquiring Photographer of the New York Daily News ask questions on "The War ano British Customs" which will se answered in England by Mary Adams, Hal Block, author, and a London Studio audience. At 6:30 p.m. WNYC, in cooperation with the C.C.D. , presents "Hasten the Day" — THE STORY OF THE TuCKER FAMILY IN WARTIME. In THIS EPISODE DAD Tucker tangles with a pump-tank to the amusement of his family and listen¬ ers, BUT EMERGES AS THE HERO OF THE NEWLY FORMED VOLUNTEER F|RE AUXILIARY. Following the complete late news report at 6245, the Uasterwork Hour is REPEATED AT 7:00 P.M. "Tales of Two Cities" the interesting and instructive C.D.V.O. drama¬ tization at 8:00 p.m. cof pares LonoBn’s Civilian Defense set-up which LICKED THE BLITZ, TO THAT OF New YORK ClTY. THIS WEEK LONDON’S INDUSTRIAL Civilian Defense and New York’s own Building Control Center Department are COMPARED —AND DRAMATIZED TO SHOW HOW EACH CAN MEET AN "INCIDENT". At 8:30 p.m. Bernaro Gabriel is heard on "Musical Oddities" —readings, COMMENTS, AND MUSICAL CURIOSITIES IN THE Y’ORKS OF THE GREAT COMPOSETS. Following the 8:45 p.m. complete ne*s roundup, the Municipal 9°?!S E ?Ir H £»v rrs&i/si ss.x the Lewisohn Stadium Concerts, Goldman Band, Ballet Theatre, ano San