NAEB Newsletter (Jan 1947)

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3 FACILITIES A^ID SERVICE EXC FJ^NGE Frank Sohooley (VaLL) and Bob Higgy (WOSU) set a pattern for cooperation which other members may be able to use to good advantage. „„n-l-hpv The idea is for one member to provide equipment and operating help for anothe. in making pickups from the former's home territory—as in football and other special fvLts. Charge for this service is billed at cost to the station being ''^''^^Thls eliminates tho necessity for carrying heavy equipment and extra personnel around the country. Several members have already expressed their willingness to play ball with otLrs on such arrangements. T.rite directly to the member you want to work with.' MEMPERSEIP DRIVE This is the opportune time for bringing us the 1947 memberships. Old members will receive their Les statements from Treasurer Griffith. There are "'any in¬ stitutions now eligible for membership which need a bit of encouragement and an invitation to join. So. let's start a personalized campaign-every member get a member! An application blank accompanies this llews-Ietter. tore are available -o.. ... now active in educational broadcasting, consider the ™ ‘ ^ good prospects who need NAEB-and who are needed by HAEE in the united front eduoahonh broadcasters must have to adequately represent their interests. FACILITIES AND FCC AATX (University of Michigan). Applied for extension of time for completion of construction. (December 2) KSAC (Kansas State College) —granted CP to increase power to 5 to/., install new transmitter and vertical antenna. (November e2) Oklahoma City Board of Education—granted CP for a new non-oommeroial educational FI.i station to operate on 90.7 Ec. 700 watts, 500 ft. antenna. (November 21) KUSC (University of Southern California)— Formal (dedication ceremonies held on De< 3 ember 5, 1946 (EM, 91.7 me.) (Capt. Allen G. Hancock, Hancock Foundation) Grant Union High School and Teohnioal Collep, North Sacramental, California— FCC granted request for cancellation of appli.cation (July , ) or non commercial educational FIJI station, (November 29) OUR NORTHERN NEIGHBORS LISTEN , . _. ,. „ _ -The Nontreal Gazott5~slVs of ^.3. Radio—"An appalling overcrowding of the entertainment ether and excessive advertising has made selective radio listening an exasperation and has forced those who like to pick their programs to fo their luck with local stations", hell, that should help to build audiences for educational stations. JAHUARY 1-TII.1E FOR 1947 DUESJ