NAEB Newsletter (May 1947)

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2 It is expected that various plans and methods will he used for uniting members and stimulating interest within the regions. Sub-meetings, state-chairmen and visits by members to neighbor institutions have been suggested for trial. The June Newsletter will include a membership list by districts. Prospective members are urged to get membership application blanks from the regional chairmen or from the President’s office. Monthly reports on memberships will be made, CONSTITUTION C HANGE S PROPOSED , , , . .. Associate Memberships? It was recommended that Article II be amended by insertmg after the word "dues" and before the statement "the annual dues of 9 ® letter (A). This Section (A) to be followed by the following amendment to Article II. (B) The prim al dues of associate members ,,shallJ ^^OiL£AP-i^^• Thls 1 J 1 keeping with the practice followed in recent years without constitutional amendment. This publication constitutes notification of the proposed amendment. Cuficial action will be taken at the 1947 fall meeting. . Robert Coleman, Prank Schooley and Burton Paulu comprised tne committee to consider constitutional changes. It will continue its study and make a further report at the fall meeting on the status of associate and active memberships. F M SERVICE COMMITTEE APPOINTED . . -A committee to determine the ways in which NAEB can test serve educational FM stations was set up. Members are Elmer Sulzer, Chairman; _aldo Afrk.op ^lph Steetle and Hilliam B. Levenson. The committee made a preliminary report and will make a more complete report at the fall meeting. The present" need is for assistance to prospective FM broadcasters. A questionnaire was prepared by the committee for guidance in individual cases, was urged that information about prospective FM members be sent to NAEB. The committee recommended that up-to-date information about the activities, both AM and FM, of all members be secured. A form was prepared for such a survey. CLEAR CHANNEL NE GOTIATIONS , , . , Richard C. Hull (ChmT)Pf. S. Morgan and Seymour Siegel, all representing day¬ time stations on clear-channel frequencies, constituted a committee to recommend action on the clear-channel problem. ^ . . . +v,„ vrr The committee recommended that NAEB send the following telegram to the FCC "NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTERS IN CONVENTION PETITIONS THE FCC FOR ADDITIONAL TIME FOR THE PRESENTATION CP NET'* AND SIGNIFICANT TESTIMONY BY MEMBER STATIONS DIRECTLY CONCERNED IN CLijAR CHANNEL HEARINGS". , By resolution this action was approved and the telegram was sent. PAT!. MEETING ARRANGED-OCTOBER 25-2.6 . , . A recommendation for the 1947 autumn meeting was made by a committee consisting of Jim Miles (Chm.) John Blake and Dave Johnson. , It proposed that the meeting be held in Chicago on Saturday, October 25 and Sunday October 26, which is the time just before the School Broadcast Conference in that city. An informal opening meeting would be held on Saturday evening, wi all-day sessions on Sunday, followed by a banquet on Sunday evening. The recommendation was accepted by unanimous vote and the meeting will be held accordingly. MA RK YOUR CALENDAR FALL NAEB CONVENTION CHICAGO - OCTOBER 25-26 1947 Let's all get together again!