NAEB Newsletter (Aug 1947)

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mmERSHIP APPLICATIONS The publication of the follo^ving applications for membership in the National Association of Educational Broadcasters constitutes notice to all members. Unless negative votes are received within thirty days 9 all members v/ill be recorded as voting in favor of granting such memberships and the Constitutional required v/ill thus be complied with. For Active Membership WMBIj E^oody Bible Institutes Chicago, Illinois Robert Parsons For Associate Membership East Central State College, Ada, Oklahoma Oscar L, Parker University of Hawaii, Honolulu, T.H. Joseph Smith Efemberships Accepted University of Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma (Active) Pennsylvania State College, State College, Pa. (Associate) MfBI. Moody Bible Institute ~ 153 Institute Place, CEdcago 10, Illinois. Robert Parsons, Director, The Institute has operated Station lliBI (5000 v/atts, 1110 Kc), daytime non-commercial, since 1926. It also operates its own FM station ?/DLM on channel 7 ^ 259 « This station went on the air experimentally on Sept. 5j 1941. East Central State College - Ada, Oklalioma. E.C.S.C. does not operate its own station, but carries on its broadcasting activities over the local station KADA. University of Hav/aii The institution is carrying on its broadcasting activities over commercial station in Honolulu. Ten broadcasts per week are offered. At the present time, a University Radio Committee is having a study made to investigate the broadcasting potentialities of the institution and make recom¬ mendations for courses of instruction. Dr. Joseph Smith of the Speech Department is administering the v/ork of the Committee. WISCONSIN LEGISLATURE EXPANDS FM On i^'ugust 5> Governor Oscar Bennebohm signed a bill passed by the 194? Wisconsin Legislature appropriating $166,100 to the State Radio Council for the expansion of the state's netv/ork of non-commercial educational stations. The bill passed the Assembly with but 19 dissenting votes and cleared the Senate with only 5 votes in opposition. The first station in the chain is nov; in operation in Madison. The second one is under construction near Milwaukee. The third will be started at once, and is expected to be on the air in the spring of 1948. The fourth unit is planned to be ir. operation in the fall of 1948. Four more units are to follov/. IN MEI::ORIAE.<I Dave Owen, University of Michigan and former NAEB Associate Etember, died on ■July 4 at the age of 48 at Ann Arbor after a long illness. Burial was in Falmouth, Massachusetts. NAEB extends its sincere sympathy to Mrs, Ov/en and daughter Rosemary. NAEB condolencea to Seymour Siegel (V/NYO) upon the sudden death of his father on June 29*