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- - n ; -n r Copy cf Mghfc letter via Western Unica flie Honorable Harry S* Truman President of the United States The Whit© House Washington, D. C The National Association of Educational Broadcasters is composed of 81 members, which include universities, colleges, and other educational or public service agencies engaged in the ownership or operation cf non-commerclal broadcasting facilities* The membership comes frm 30 states and the Territory of Hawaii, and at the present time operates 21 AM and 27 FM broadcasting stations* The roster of membership includes such well-known and recognised institutions as Columbia University, the University of Southern California, the University of Minnesota* Iowa State College, the University of Wisconsin, Ohio State University, Louisiana State University, and many others* The National Association of Educational Broadcasters represents In a very real sense the only minority radio voice in American radio* We understand that the present term of Commissioner Clifford Jo Durr of the Federal Communications CommiesIon is due to expire this year* ?Jr 0 Durr Is one of the few commissioners in FCC history who has been able to see the woods for the trees* % contrast with the lawyers and engineers who have sometimes been his colleagues, he has insisted that the decisive criterion of program service is not primarily the coverage pattern, the balance sheet, or the subtleties of a praetioaer before the FCC bar, but wfa&t comes out of the loudspeakers-—the program, It i,4i pre-eminently Durr who has refuted to lend his name to Commission decision which might tend to corrode the foundations of a truly free and Tjnmoncpolised radio* The National Association of Educational Broadcasters firmly believes and respectfully advises that in Clifford J, Durr America has the public servant who best understands the radio law of the Congress * written Into the Communications Act of 1934-~ "Radio- in. the public interest,, convenience, and necessity**| his major concern is in seeing the best radio system in the world--the American system—made better* Wit respectfully request you, as President of the United States, to exercise your authority to re-ag>poi&t this outstanding public servant. Cliff card J* Durr, to another term on the FCC* Signed Richard B* Hull, President and Me S, Norik, Secretary For the National Association of Educational Broadcasters