NAEB Newsletter (Aug 1948)

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- 10 - UAFRE GRGMIZED--STA1IDAFDS —(Continued) Committee on Accreditation Co mmittee consists of Judson Williams(Texas College of Mines), Kenneth Ba rtlett Tjyracuse University). Thomas Rishworth (University of Texas). Ru ssel l Porte r (University of Denver), and Judith Waller., (NBC). Standards of Admission (Standards set forth by the UAFRE, are basic and minimum standards required for admission and not optimum or ideal, it is explained. They are described as an "irreducible minimum.") A. Curriculum 1. Four-year college or university program leading to the bachelor's degree. 2. One-fifth to one-fourth of the total credit hours must be in specific radio courses. 3. A definite core of radio courses required of all radio majors must include: (a) Introduction or orientation to radio (b) Continuity writing (c) Announcing (d) Radio advertising and sales (e) Program planning and building (f) Production 4. Other courses in radio may be elected in accordance with the student's individual interest, capacities, and abilities. B. Staff and Teaching Personnel 1. At least one-half of the credit hours taught in radio must be under the direction of instructors with a record of successful commercial experi¬ ence in radio. 2. At least one-half of the*courses must be under the direction of instructors who meet the educational and academic requirements of the non-professional divisions of the institution* 3. Frequent refresher courses or opportunities for training within the in¬ dustry should be' made available to the staff. i C. Laboratory and Ecuipment 1. Laboratories should provide a broadcasting outlet such as a university station to which students have adequate access, or regular broadcasts over a commercial station, or wired-wireless broadcasting to the campus. 2. Logged broadcasting must be a regularly scheduled, activity either as a function of one of the above outlets or as a. separate broadcast activity. 3. Equipment used in professional training must be such as to allow the student a general acquaintance with all problems of station operation.