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FCC ACTIONS (FRECIJB^Y^O^^i^GNy ^ ^^LEGE, UNIVERSITY, INST IT I3TIOM AL (Cont.) Modification of- CP UB EZ- FM, Ch icago R a dio Council , granted modification of construction permit to 10-1-48 (BMPED-132) Modification of CP YJNYE-FM, Board o f Educa tion (Mun icipal Br oad casting System) New York City , granted modification of construction permit to 10-30-48, (BMH2D-133T^ Modification of CP KO KH, Board of Edu ca tion, Ok l ahoma City, Granted modification of construction permit to 1-21-49 TMPED-1347*~ F^c" A^IJCATIQNS~TTEl^TsT0Nr"C0LLEGET~ijNIVERsTTyT INSTITUTIOnIiT low a-WOI-TV-Ipwa Sta te Col lege of Agric ultur e and Mechanic Arts? Ames - Modifi- "cation of construction permit ("BPCT-120 as modified? xiHicTTauthorized"a new commercial TV broadcast station) for extension of completion date, FCC PROPOSES CHANGES IN HEARING PROCEDURE Proposed - amendm ent s announced August 20 would see FCC he firings conducted und er revised proc ednr.i l relations. Initial decisio ns would be issued by hearings , examiners or commissioners presiding at hearings , Actions presentl y handled by the mot io ns commissioners, with certain exceptions , would be acted upon b y hearing s examine rs, In this way the FCC explained, an initial decision would take the place of, and serve the same purpose as, a proposed decision of the Commission itself . PETITIONS FQ-, ST A ORDER DELAY ARE DENIED Petiti on s of nine licensees for reconsideration on postpon e ment of the F CC action ending all special temporary authorizations were denied August 28 by a Commission memorandum opinion and order. The order said that the petitions had raised only one point not covered in the original report and order of June 2b, 1948, alle g ing that certain findings in that order were not supported by evidence or statements in the ^record"• It added t hat the fact t h at operation beyond authorized hours by daytime only and limited time stations is inconsistent with Standards of Good Engineering Practice is sufficient proof that such .operation has produced a degradation' of night service required by the standards . FCC RULES AND REGULATIONS LIST TO AUGUST 9. 1948 A list of rules and regulations of the Federal Communications Commission up to August 9, 1948 was issued this month as a check against the FCC book of rules. Those who wish to chock their rules book against the list will find it published in the “Federal Register 11 of August 10, 1948. The list is NCT available.for distribution at the FCC. . . .