NAEB Newsletter (Oct 1948)

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-13- NIELSEN RADI O IND EX LARKS IY STERIES July Nielsen Radio Index report lists ten radio mystery shows among the top twenty shows in total audience. Thursday night schedule on CBS and Friday night schedule on CBS made high ratings. Six shows, three on each network wore among the first ten in both total and average audience lists. (Nielsen, incidentally is reported to bo revamping its survey schedule to include TV). SPECIAL HOUSE CONI ITTEB INVE STIGATES FCC 'ATHEISM * POLICY A com mittee investigating the. FC C. c hair mann ed by For e st.Ilarnc j^ inqui ry into the FCC’s so-c al led Scott decision of 1 946. In,this ^mlin^_theJg£ turned t he nlea of an atheist that th e licenses of three Califor nia, radio, stations be revoked because the y refused to allow him to discuss, .atheistic, do ctilnps^ggyer thcTradioV The" FCC.' however. indicating the s it u ation as !: c ontrp vepsigl n _ said radi o stations should make it a po licy t o allow all side^l'ad js^ug^Jj^jyj^ jio j?ro- sont their vie ws. At t he hearings atheism.was presented by Charles Smith., prp sldeg^^_lli^.Mli± c -^ Associatiorr for" the Advance ment of Athei sm, Inc,.. Religio n Ignatius Smith of'Cathol ic University ; Rev.. BdmundJ IfMk.. town University;' Dr ." Herbert.Calhoun,of J^lvinij^ Richman of Washington. fl.C j Other scheduled witnesses included Don Petty, NAB general counsel; CBS commentator, Earl Godwin; and Frank Roberson, Washington attorney. RE LIGIOU S. RADI O ORGANISATION S N EH3 ATHEIST "ANSWER" FROM FC C The. Religious Radio As soc ation. composed of various Protestant,, ,£atholic^_and Jewish groups has as ked t he FCC whether radio st ations have,. to__iLiy^ chanc e"~to reply "eve ry t ir o they br oadc ast a religious, progr am. The president of the association, Edward Hefffon, asked the FCC to clarify the. stand it took on atheist radio programs two years age, expressing the association’d fear that the ruling might be interpreted in a way dctrimcnal to religious programs. In the 1946 decision the FCC h eld that not every, organiz e t o tire o n the a ir, blit it said that n an organ izatio n or MGA Jnagr_boj?rojected into t he real m of cont roversy by. virtue.o f bei ng attacked... _jrh§_hplders, jo£jo. belief shou ld not be"'de ni e d the right to answer ^ their bollef^ple].^ because th ey arc few in number. t; Heffron said members of the association fear that broadcasters might intepret this language to mean they must give atheists an opportunity to reply to every single church program. Such a move, he felt, might make broadcasters shy away from religious programs altogether. NBC TO" FORK SIGNAL CORPS RADIO COMPANY Chief Signal Officer, Major General Spencer B. Akin, U. 3. Army announced that the National Broadcasting Company has accepted sponsorship of a Signal Corps reserve unit under the Department of the Army affiliation program. Tho or¬ ganization is to bo a mobile radio broadcasting company to be.organized in Now York City as a part of RCA participation in 'this phase of national defense.