NAEB Newsletter (Oct 1948)

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-14- ULTRAFAX—A HU-1,I ON WORDS A i ilNUTE— T ELEVISION PLUS RCA* g now Ultrafax system, demonstrated October 21 at the Library of Congress, is another of the new 20th century technological devices, creating new problems and new opportunities, Using ultra—high frequencies, combining television principles with radio relay and high-speed'photograph, the device will transmit printed messages and documents at the rate of a million words a minute. Possible developments dependent on proper relay facilities in new service include the following 0 . 1 , International exchange of TV programs on a transoc eanic,basis.. 2. Hou s ehold reception of book s, magazines an djiews^^ inter¬ ru pt ion of aural p rogr am. 3 • Ho rl?-wide military co mm unications, scrambled fo r, secrp cy^.wlij^h with 10 transmitters could carry in 60 seconds, peak load, of mossages..sent from Pentagon in 24 hour s during height o f war_ emergency* 4• Transmiss ion of oneJfull—le ngth m otion picture. sim u3,jicgiqo^ o f theaters throughout th e country , ... 5 . A new radio—mail system, combine with vas t pJLcle-jyiP^fpiCilitics^.of_j^ne Postoffice Departmen t, Rumo r has it. becaus e of m ilitary, be put under wraps by bar Department , NSW TELEVISION RAREST SEEN F OR I-EDICA L ^ACHING Hew and rich market with television as a highly' important educational aid^in surgery were forecast after a two-day October meeting at the University of Pennsylvania School of 1 cdicine. Sponsored jointly by RCA and Smith, Kline, and French, pharmaceutical house, demonstrations hrd camera suspended directly above an operator table. Images carried by coaxial cables furnished close-up views of procedures to an audience of more than 5000 members of the state medical society and students and nurses located in university halls and in Convention Hall where the pictures were re¬ layed by micro-wave and projected on a large screen. NOV ELTY FACTOR IN TELEVISION VIEWING SI ALL SAYS RSSF ARClgR Dr. Peter Langhoff, research director of Young & Rubican speaking to the AAAA Pacific Council in October revealed an analysis made available by Hooper, Inc., which he said gave a preliminary answer to the question "How well docs televisior wear?" Level of sot useage by three groups of owners—each containing 500«600 TV homos— was tested by Hooper’s phone survey between 8;30 and 9:15 P*m. during September 8-14. Cf those who owned sets throe months or less, 60 percent were viewing when the chocks were made. Same level of useage was recorded for socone, group, owning receivers 4 to 12 months, ^ Significant fact, Langhoff stated, was that 54 percent cf -year or more owners" were viewing, only six points below new owners.