NAEB Newsletter (May 1952)

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- 2 ' Educational Broadcasting's History Reviewed "Now let us examine the valuable estate to which you educators have fallen heir. They are: 242 Television channels. And even more can be granted later. "And let us remember some significant history: The Congress, in adopting the Radio Act of 1927, did not see fit to reserve any channels for education. The Radio Com¬ mission set up in 1927 did not allocate any channels for education. The educators waged several campaigns later to have channels reserved. Their first success came in 1945 when the Federal Communications Commission reserved 20 FM channels. Now in this year of 1952, you educators are allocated twelve per cent of all the available tele¬ vision assignments. I say that this allocation for education is tremendous progress. In order to convince the Commission of the need for this reservation, you educators did a magnificent job. "By giving your time and effort and by raising the necessary funds to make your pre¬ sentation, you have rendered a historic service to education. The educators that come after you, and the public, too, will forever have cause to honor you for the fight you made. "...there are unassigned channels that may be available to communities for non¬ commercial educational stations. But there is still another path by which you educa¬ tors can enter television. "You have the right to compete with any commercial applicant for any of the commercial VHF or UHF channels assigned to your city. And, according to the rules, if you are granted such a channel, you may employ that channel either for commercial purposes or for non-commercial educational purposes. "Of course, this report does not mean that commercial television stations are ex¬ pected to let the educational stations carry the whole burden of meeting educational needs in a community. In fact, the report specifically states that the provision for non-commercial education stations: ... does not relieve commercial licensees from their duty to carry programs which fulfill educational needs and serve the educational interests of the community in which they operate. This obligation applies with equal force to all commercial licensees whether or not a non-commercial educational channel has been reserved in their community, and similarly will obtain in communities where non-commercial educational stations will be in operation. Congratulates NAEB "As one with a lifetime interest in educational movements and as a member of a government commission charged with promoting the public interest, I congratulate the National Association of Educational Broadcasters on the splendid role it played in the campaign for exclusive educational assignments. "On the basis of the entire record, the Commission is convinced of the need for edu¬ cational television stations. To my mind, you have exciting opportunities. I am especially inpressed by this fortuitous and fortunate meeting of the need and the mechanism in the field of adult education." IN THIS ISSUE NAEB At the Columbus Institute. ....* • 1- 8 Other News of NAEB. 9-14 Television in Great Britain .. 15-16 Closed Circuit Color Television in Surgery--Burton Paulu. 17-18 NAEB Tape Network—Richard Rider...18 - 19 Research Report--Dallas Smythe. 20-23