NAEB Newsletter (Aug 1952)

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- 3 * Commissioner Webster Dissents to Other Grants On August li* the FCC authorized noncommercial stations for Binghamton and New York City, which will operate on ultra-high channels 1*6 and 2£ respectively. Binghamton’s antenna height will be £1*0 feet with ERP Of 200 kilowatts visual and 10£ kilowatts aural, while New York City’s station will have a 680 foot tower with ERP of 20£ kilo¬ watts visual and 110 kilowatts aural. The University of the State of New York has pending applications for stations at Syracuse, Ithaca and Utica, which await solution of engineering problems. Commissioner Edward M. Webster, in a dissenting opinion, asserted that permits for state-supported educational television stations should not be issued until state legislatures had appropriated funds for construction and operation of the stations. Channels set aside for education, Webster said, should be kept open for other appli¬ cants until the appropriation of funds assured that they would be used. Florida Grant Held Up The Commission addressed the following letter to the Lindsey Hopkins Vocational School of the Dade County Board of Public Instruction, Miami, Florida: ’’This is with reference to your application as last amended on July 1, 19£2, for a permit to construct a noncommercial educational television station on Channel 2 in Miami, Florida. ’’Your application indicates that your organization has entered into a leasing agree¬ ment with Southern Radio & Television Equipment Company, licensee of television sta¬ tion WTVJ now operating on Channel h in Miami. Under the terms of this lease, the television transmitter facilities of station WTVJ will be made available to your organization at a rental of $1 per year. You indicate, however, that the above lease will not become effective until the application of Southern Radio and Television Equipment Company (PBCT-868) requesting modification of its facilities to specify a new site, higher power and higher antenna height is granted and that, accordingly, your application for a noncommercial educational television station in Miami is con¬ tingent on the grant of the modification application for station WTVJ. ”In view of the foregoing, consideration of your application for a noncommercial educational television station to operate on Channel 2 in Miami, Florida (BPET-2) will be withheld pending a determination by the Commission of the WTVJ application.” The Commission vote in regard to the construction permits for Kansas State College was as follows; Paul A. Walker, Chairman, Yes; Rosel H. E&rde, No; Edward M. Webster, Absent; Robert F. Jones, No; George E. Sterling, Absent; Frieda B. Hennock, Yes; Robert T. Bartley, Yes. ^t-#**#***##* ^ * # # * # # * # # THE PRINCIPAL SESSIONS OF THE ANNUAL CONVENTION WILL BE HELD IN THE CENTER FOR CON¬ TINUATION STUDY ON THE MINNEAPOLIS CAMPUS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA. IN THIS ONE BUILDING THERE ARE SLEEPING FACILITIES FOR 60 PEOPLE, AND EATING AND MEETING SPACE FOR ALL. OVERFLOW HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS ARE BEING ARRANGED AT MAJOR MINNEAPOLIS DOWNTOWN HOTELS. PLAN TO ATTEND THE 19£2 CONVENTION