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A E B NEWSLETTER NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTERS 14 GREGORY HALL URBANA, ILLINOIS SEMINAR A SUCCESS All participants at the NAEB 4th Allerton Seminar on Radio Programming, April 21-24, agreed they had a delightful and informative time. Highlighting the Seminar were talks by special consultants. Dr. Sydney Roslow, director of The Pulse, Inc., discussed the audiences for educational and public service programming. Norman Pellegrini, of WFMT, Chicago (which was recently awarded the DuPont Raido-TV award for “creative and stimulating” programs), triggered a discussion on music programming. Leading a session on how educational radio can interpret the humanities was Dr. Robert E. Streeter, Dean of the College, University of Chicago. Dr. Peter Yankwich, associate professor of physical chemistry, and Dr. Joseph Gusfield, assistant profes¬ sor of sociology (both from the University of Illinois), NAEB Newsletter Vol. XXII, No. 5 May, 1957 NAEB Newsletter, a monthly publication issued by the National Association of Educational Broadcasters, 14 Gregory Hall, Urbana, III., $5 a year, edited by Mrs. Judith Stevens. Application for 2nd class mail privileges pending at Urbana, Illinois. did the same for the physician and behavioral sciences. Members arrived Easter Sunday evening, and spent 3 days at Allerton House, University of Illinois Conference Center near Monticello, Illinois, sharing ideas and problems with each other and the aforemen¬ tioned consultants. Harry Skornia, Burton Paulu and Robert Under¬ wood were on hand from the Headquarters staff to Allerton House, University of Illinois Conference Center, where the 4th Allerton Seminar on Radio Programming was held April 21-24. 1