NAEB Newsletter (May 1957)

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join in the discussions and good fellowship. Seminar management was in the capable hands of Harold Hill, with the able assistance of Ned Rosenheim, Richard Vogl, and Lee Dreyfus, who served as discussion and group leaders. (Due to deadline difficulties, this story had to be written before the Seminar took place but we knew it would be a success anyway.) IERT CONVENTION “Great Issues in Broadcasting 1957 will be the theme of IERT at Ohio State University, May 8, in Colum¬ bus at the Deshler-Hilton Hotel. Preliminary program for the 1957 meet calls for 4 general sessions, 15 clinics on specialized areas of broadcasting, a dinner meeting, and a joint session with the American Council for Better Broadcasts. Kick-off is scheduled for 8 p.m. May 8, when Donald M. McGannon, president of the Westinghouse Broadcasting Co., Inc., will speak on “The Respon¬ sibility of Broadcasters.” In the same general session Joseph Csida of Csida-Greene Associates, will discuss “What Hap¬ pened to Broadcasting, 1946-56.” He is a contribut¬ ing editor to Sponsor Magazine and former editor-in- chief of Billboard. Kenneth G. Bartlett, vice president of Syracuse University and director of its Radio and IV Center, will serve as Institute discussion leader. Topics of other general sessions are “The Broad¬ caster and the Audience,” “Radio in a TV Age,” and “International Broadcasting in a Cold War.” The closing event will be a discussion-demonstration session. Directed by Dr. I. Keith Tyler, the Institute each year attracts some 600 to 800 broadcasters, educators, civic leaders and key persons from na¬ tional organizations throughout the U.S. and Canada. The American Council for Better Broadcasts will hold its convention May 11 at the Deshler-Hilton in Columbus—immediately following the IERT. All Institute members are invited to stay and partici¬ pate. —NAEB— A Symposium in Color TV will be offered by the Northwestern University School of Speech during the 1957 Summer Session. It will be presented in co¬ operation with NBC and Chicago’s WNBQ, the na¬ tion’s first all-color TV station. Dates have been set for June 24-August 3. For further information write: James H. McBurney, Dean, School of Speech, North¬ western University, Evanston, Illinois. MEMOS FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR —Harry Skornia GENERAL REPORT In order to get this issue distributed in time for the Institute, it is having to be published early. To speed up delivery, we are also sending it first class. As a result of this early deadline, however, there is less to report than usual. The Radio Programming Seminar at Allerton Park has not been held, as this is written. A TV Management-Operations Financial Problems Seminar will soon be announced; but the Planning Committee to select dates, consultants, and work out details, has not yet had an opportunity to meet, following approval (just received) of funds for this purpose. The fine “Utilization Day” program for the IERT, as planned by Gale Adkins and his committee, will be found elsewhere in this issue. We hope that NAEB and former AERT members will be able to attend both NAEB luncheons at the IERT, and the other fine programs arranged. We are on the threshold of conferences with offi¬ cials of the Kellogg and Ford Foundations. It is possible that these conferences will take some of us away early from the IERT, but we feel they are important enough so you will all understand in case we can’t be found after Thursday. We have had recent conferences with the BBC Assistant Controller of the Overseas Service, Oliver Whitley, who spent the week-end of April 14-15 with us at Urbana. The results of that conference must await discussions in London, following his reporting back on various suggestions we passed on for consid¬ eration. The previous week we entertained Richard Erstein, of the Voice of America, who was here for conferences on plans for the future. These plans, too, will take time to develop. We are gratified and pleased at the increasing support developing nationally for ETV, and for re¬ cent evidence of a strong resurgence of FM. New FM educational stations, as well as ETV stations, are going on the air virtually every month. We are exceptionally happy about the increasing¬ ly fine quality of programs available to U.S. educa¬ tional stations, both radio and TV, and the national and international recognition they are winning each year. We hope to bring out a special report on this later, and believe that a number of NAEB stations not now taking the Radio Network service are over¬ looking a strong means of promoting educational broadcasting as well as a source of increasingly fine programming, under joint ETRC-NAEB efforts to provide stepped-up support for educational radio 2 NEWSLETTER