NAEB Newsletter (May 1957)

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This means Alabama College will be offered a program contract to create and produce programs which will be beamed to transmitters, which in turn telecast educational instruction to 85% of the state. PERSONNEL ^ Kenneth Harwood, chairman of Southern Cali¬ fornia’s Department of Telecommunications, was elected president of the Association for Professional Broadcasting Education during the group’s annual meeting in Chicago last month. He replaces Sydney Head, head of the University of Miami’s Department of Radio-TV. t Edward Stasheff, associate professor of speech at the University of Michigan, has received a one- year appointment to the program staff of the ETRC effective in September. k Miss Mitzi Kornetz, broadcasting consultant, has been appointed Radio-TV Editor of Boston Univer¬ sity’s News Bureau. PROGRAMS ^ WILL-TV, University of Illinois, recently com¬ pleted an unusual experiment in programming. A series of 6 programs called, “Painting with Bradshaw” tried to help televiewers understand what goes on in an artist’s mind when he creates. In no sense a “do-it-yourself” show, the series showed Glenn Bradshaw, professor of art at the University of Illinois, as he started a painting and worked it to completion before the TV camera. Prof. Bradshaw is an artist of exceptional merit and recently won two national prizes for his work. One ($750) was the 2nd Altman Landscape Prize at the Annual Exhibition of the National Academy of Design in New York. The other was 1st prize ($550) for painting in any medium at the Isaac Delgado Museum in New Orleans. ^ WCET, Cincinnati, is showing a series of 4 pro¬ grams on Military Reserve to help students better understand their obligations to National Defense. High-ranking officers of the Army, Navy, Marine and Women’s Army Corps will outline the Reserve programs. Junior and senior high schools in the area are asked to encourage boys 16-18 to watch the series. April Uth the Cincinnati Times-Star carried a full page spread on the series. ^ Half-hour films of President Eisenhower’s news conferences now are being telecast in their entirety over WTTW, Chicago. The films are flown to WTTW for use the day after the news conference. Excerpts are used on news shows over other stations, but WTTW is the only outlet offering the complete film. ^ The immigrant receiving station Castle Garden was the subject of the first program on “Our Nation’s Roots,” 26-week TV series that premiered April 13. Produced by New York University in cooperation with station WCBS-TV, and partially financed by the ETRC, the series will be seen from 2-2:30 p.m. on Saturdays. y Governor Stephen McNichols, of Colorado, and Governor Robert Smylie, of Idaho, joined top-ranking educators April 9 in a special telecast on the issues now confronting colleges and universities on KQED, San Francisco. The half-hour panel discussion, “Facing the Criti¬ cal Decade,” also features Raymond Allen, chancel¬ lor of UCLA, and George Benson, president of Clare¬ mont Men’s College and provost of the Claremont Graduate School. TV TECHNICAL TIPS NO. 32 —Cecil S. Bidlack NAEB TV Engineer I finally made it—to Minneapolis, that is—and the home of KUOM, NAEB President Burton Paulu, and KTCA. In addition to participating on a panel on the “Use of Closed Circuit TV by Schools” at the Central State Speech Association Conference April 5, I was able to take a look at the facilities of KUOM and KTCA. KUOM occupies the 1st floor of Eddy Hall on the main campus of the University of Minnesota. Every square foot of this space is being utilized to provide offices, three studios (one of which also serves as a TV studio), a combination video control and recording room, and a master radio control room. They are presently converting their trans¬ mitter to remote control operation. We believe many ETV stations could benefit by the procedures used by KUOM for checking and aging miniature tubes used in TV equipment. Upon receipt, KUOM checks each new receiving tube on a mutual conductance type checker. Those which give a sub-normal mutual conductance reading or show other defects are immediately returned to the jobber for replacement. In some instances as high as 20 per cent of the tubes received have been returned. The tubes which pass this first test are then aged with rated voltages applied for 24 hours. A special aging device has been constructed which will age 24 tubes at a time. A plug and jack arrange¬ ment permits the application of appropriate voltages NEWSLETTER