NAEB Newsletter (May 1, 1965)

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of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EDUCATIONAL BROADCASTERS VOL. 30, NO. 5 WASHINGTON, D.C. MAY, 1965 NAEB Appoints Four Directors at Large Following are the first Public Member Directors to be ap¬ pointed to the NAEB Board: C. Scott Fletcher, management consultant, former president of the Fund for Adult Educa¬ tion, Miami; Dr. Fred Harrington, president of the Univer¬ sity of Wisconsin, chairman of the special committee on fed¬ eral legislation of the National Association of State Univer¬ sities and Land-Grant Colleges, Madison, Wisconsin; Irving Harris, president of Standard Shares, Inc., member of the Chicago Educational Television Association, Chicago; and Leonard Marks, communications attorney, member of the board of Communications Satellite Corporation, Washington, D.C. n Schlaalc Named to Board Otto F. Schlaak, manager of WMVS and WMVT, Milwau¬ kee, has been appointed to the NAEB-ETS Board of Directors to fill the vacancy left by Keith M. Engar. Engar resigned from the Board when he left his position with KUED, the University of Utah ETV station. Samoa Needs ETV Personnel Those in charge of the NAEB Samoan ETV project would like to hear from persons who qualify as producer-director, photographer, engineer, chief engineer, cameraman, supervisor of adult education, supervisor of physical education, supervi¬ sor of guidance, supervisor of in-service teacher education, and 'librarian. Appointments would be for a minimum of two years in Samoa. Address inquiries to Vernon Bronson, NAEB, Washington. Copyright Hearings Postponed Congressional hearings on the proposed revised copyright law are scheduled to begin May 12. They were postponed from the earlier named date of April 28. Raise Funds tor Robert Bohan Some friends of Robert Bohan have started a fund to help him and his family financially during his long recovery period following a knife attack in mid-February. He was attacked in his own yard by a man living with a neighbor. As we go to press he is reported to be recovering from serious abdominal and other wounds, but it is expected to be a long, slow process. Surgery, several blood transfusions, spe¬ cial nursing care and medications have already been required. He has been at St. Petersburg Junior College, where he is chairman of the radio-TV department, for about five years. Prior to that he was at Auburn University. Those who would like to help should send contributions to Kenneth B. Hobbs, 3052 S. Dorchester Road, Columbus, Ohio 43221. Hobbs requests that checks be made out to: K. B. Hobbs for Robert Bohan. State ETV Officials Plan Meet Some officials of state ETV organizations plan an all-day meeting in connection with the IERT in Columbus, Ohio. All such state ETV representatives are invited to attend, begin¬ ning at 9 a.m., Wednesday, June 2. Among the items scheduled for discussion are these high¬ lights : a proposed membership classification for NAEB af¬ filiation, developments in ETV assistance contained in new federal legislation, and a plan for action to acquire further funds for state agencies for ETV development. For further information, write to Larry Frymire, Room 1149, State Capi¬ tol Building, Sacramento, California 95814. NAEB Staff Changes • John Witherspoon, formerly associate director of NER and also of ECS, has been named director of the ECS proj¬ ect. • Coy Ludwig, assistant director of the NAEB Office of Research and Development, has resigned effective May 31 to return to school to work on an advanced degree. Jack Brown, who has been working on a Great Plains ITV Library proj¬ ect, will join the NAEB research and development staff. • Frederick Breitenfeld, Jr., who has been directing a spe¬ cial seven-month project for NAEB-ETS, has been appointed associate director for ETS. NER Board Meets At the invitation of the Johnson Foundation, members of the NER Board of Directors met March 25-28 at Wingspread, the foundation’s conference center in Racine, Wisconsin. Highlights of the meeting were— • Preliminary discussions with foundation officials which may lead to national conferences on educational radio, tentatively scheduled for this fall. • Plans for future cooperation—such as NERN use of audio materials on file at Wingspread and Johnson Founda¬ tion use of NERN duplicating facilities. • Discussion of NER membership, including the merits of an incentive plan for Class C (under 1 kw) stations, plans for commercial station use of NERN programs, and the re¬ view and retention of present rates for educational stations. • Creation of a special committee of the Board to further explore many of the items discussed. Members of the committee are E. G. Burrows, representing the Board; Dick Estell, chairman of the NERN program committee, and Rob¬ ert Underwood, network manager. To NAEBers of the Midwest Midwesterners are reminded that June 1 is the deadline for receipt of bids for the 1968 national NAEB convention. In¬ formation to be included in the bid is outlined on page 1 of the March Newsletter. 1