NAEB Engineering Newsletter (July 1956)

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- 7 - to obtain almost identical photocell readings. He recommends ad¬ justment of cameras to within one microampere reading on the meter for best results. ***** We recently received a new and very complete catalog from the Gates Radio Company of Quincy, Illinois. It contains their com¬ plete line of radio and television broadcasting equipment. Many of our readers have received this catalog; if you have not, we’d suggest that you write directly to Gates requesting a copy. ***** George Murphy, Chief Engineer of the Auburn Polytechnic Institute TV studio has compiled a very complete report of the equipment, material and procedures they employ for making 2x2 slides for use on a television film camera. We had in mind repro¬ ducing it in the Engineering Newsletter: however it consists of eight single-spaced typewritten pages plus four pages of data and drawings. If there are a number of requests for this information, we shall be happy to duplicate it for you or to make arrangements for George to supply it to you. ***** We also have plans for a mock camera, including complete details for its construction which were prepared by Robert Schlorff, Chief Engineer at Wayne University. This camera can be constructed at a cost of $50.00 for materials and is nearly as effective for certain initial training purposes as a $16,000 image orthicon camera. Students learn all operating techniques and student direc¬ tors can check the pictures each cameraman obtains as well as experiment in shot plotting. Plans for this camera are available, and further information may be obtained from George Steiner, Supervisor of Undergraduate Instruction, Department of Speech, Wayne University, Detroit 1, Michigan. ***** r