NAEB Engineering Newsletter (July 1956)

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TV Technical Tips Wo. 21 by Cecil S. Bidlack, NAEB TV Engineer By the time this Newsletter reaches you the First Radio and Audio Engineering Seminar will have been concluded and those attending will have returned to their homes. Thirty-one engineers are the recipients of the grants to attend this Seminar. Their names are listed elsewhere in this Newsletter . Program arrangements are complete. Topics include mainte¬ nance and test procedures with special emphasis upon magnetic tape recording and with particular attention given to mass dupli¬ cation of tape recordings. Many educational stations to be rep¬ resented duplicate tapes for distribution within the confines of their own states as well as broadcasting the offerings of the NAEB Radio Network. In addition to mass duplicating methods, AM and FM transmitting and studio broadcasting equipment, magnetic recording equipment, space and building requirements for broad¬ casting, antennas, transmission systems, microwave and test equipment will be covered. Highlighting the five-day program will be talks and demonstra¬ tions by representatives of broadcasting equipment manufacturers and allied fields. Speakers on the program will include Mr. C. J. Le Bel, Vice President of Audio Devices, Inc. of New York City; Mr. John Leslie, Chief Engineer, Audio Division, Ampex Corporation, Redwood City, California; Mr. V. A. Mohrlant, Technical Services Division, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, St. Paul, Minnesota; Mr. Cyril M. Braum, Engineering Consultant, Joint Council c