Washington report (May 1962)

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- 2 - Q. Are sectarian groups excluded?' A. No, if they meet all other qualifications. Q,. How will the Health, Education and Welfare Department determine who will receive grants? A. The Act provides in Section 392(d) that criteria will be established by regulations designed to achieve (l) prompt and effective use of all educational tele¬ vision channels remaining available, (2) equitable geographical distribution of edu¬ cational television broadcasting facilities throughout the States, and (3) provision of educational television broadcasting facilities which will serve the greatest num¬ ber of persons and serve them in as many areas as possible, and which are adaptable to the broadest educational uses. Q. How will the matching funds provision work? A. The intent of the Act is to provide Federal assistance for the construc¬ tion of educational television stations, and that a grant shall not ordinarily ex¬ ceed 50% of the cost of the project proposed. The remaining 50 % is to be advanced by the applicant. In addition, the applicant must furnish assurance that the neces¬ sary funds to operate and maintain the station will be available when needed (Sec. 392(a)(3)). Q. Can the station receiving a grant carry a limited amount of non- educational programming to assist in raising operating revenue? A. No — there is an absolute prohibition against using the station for any¬ thing but educational purposes. Q. When can an applicant secure more than 50% of the proposed cost of the project? A. When the applicant has constructed one or more educational TV stations, an extra credit will be given, not to exceed 25% of the reasonable cost of the existing facilities. If this extra allowance is made, the total award made by the Health, Edu¬ cation and Welfare Department cannot exceed 75% of the new project. (Sec. 392(e)). Q. What can be purchased with the Federal funds? A. Section 394(2) provides that: The term "construction", as applied to educational television broadcasting facilities, means the acquisition and installa¬ tion of transmission apparatus (including towers, microwave equipment, boosters, translators, repeaters, mobile equipment, and video-recording equipment) necessary for television broadcasting, including apparatus which may incidentally be used for transmitting closed circuit television programs, but does not include the construc¬ tion or repair of structures to house such apparatus. Q. Are cameras included in the list of eligible items? A. This is questionable, since they are not specifically enumerated. Q. Does this provision — Section 394(2) — mean that only eligible items can be bought with the matching funds of the applicant? A. No, it is the clear intent of the legislation that the applicant submit his project — showing the total cost of eligible and non-eligible items. The Fed¬ eral grant can cover the eligible ones, and the matching funds can cover non-eligible or eligible items whether equipment, building or other construction.