Washington report (May 1962)

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- 4 - Q. Will the FCC require program information? A. Yes. No changes are made in the basic provisions of the Communications Act as it relates to the licensing of educational television stations. Q. How soon can I apply for a grant to the HEW? A. The Secretary of the Health, Education and Welfare Department is now preparing rules and regulations required to carry out the provisions of the law. It is anticipated that they will be complete by fall, and that applications will be received at that time. Q. How much money is now available for Federal grants? A. None...since the legislation adopted is not an appropriations bill, but enabling legislation. It is anticipated that an appropriations bill providing some funds will be passed before Congress recesses in 1962. If less than $32,000,000 (the limit provided in the Bill) is appropriated, grants to individual states may be reduced proportionately. For example, if $16 million is appropriated, there may be a limit of $500,000 per state until the remaining $16 million is passed. Q. Why did Congress place a limit of $32 million, when there are 50 states, District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, all eligible to receive $1 million each? A. It is unlikely that all eligibles will apply for their full amount. If this assumption is wrong, the earliest states to apply will probably benefit. Q. Is there a time limit within which an application must be made for a grant? A. Yes. Applications will not be received after July 1, 1968. PART IV, TITLE III OF THE COMMUNICATIONS ACT SEC. 390. The purpose of this part is to assist (through matching grants) in the construction of educational television broadcasting facilities. SEC. 391. There are authorized to be appropriated for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, and each of the four succeeding fiscal years such sums, not exceeding $32,000,000 in the aggregate, as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of sec¬ tion 390. Sums appropriated pursuant to this section shall remain available for pay¬ ment of grants for projects for which applications, approved under section 392, have been submitted under such section prior to July 1, 1968. SEC. 392. (a) For each project for the construction of educational tele¬ vision broadcasting facilities there shall be submitted to the Secretary an appli¬ cation for a grant containing such information with respect to such project as the Secretary may by regulation require, including the total cost of such project, and the amount of the Federal grant requested for such project, and providing assurance satisfactory to the Secretary - (l) that the applicant is (A) an agency or officer responsible for the supervision of public elementary or secondary education or public higher education within that State, or within a political subdivision thereof, (B) the State educa¬ tional television agency, (C) a college or university deriving its support in whole or in part from tax revenues, or (D) a nonprofit foundation, corporation, or associa¬ tion which is organized primarily to engage in or encourage educational television broadcasting and is eligible to receive a license from the Federal Communications Commission for a noncommercial educational television broadcasting station pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Commission in effect on April 12, 1962;