Ballyhoo (Jun 6, 1956)

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WHY JOHN WON One morning our screening committee looked at a little picture called GEORDIE, It was a pleasant little picture, and at the usual post-screening conference Doug Rosen, GM. of I.F.D. became quite voluble regarding its boxoffice potential, Then John Heggie spoke up, “Look guys" said John ... "It's a swell story with a Scottish background, but nobody would guess it from its title. GEORDIE doesn't suggest a thing, It could be English, Irish or just about anything. But take "WEE" GEORDIE now, and every Scot in the country will know that you're talking about his kin," : So WEE GEORDIE it became ... and you know its history. It's one of the top grossers of the season, and nobody denies that the change in title was responsible for much of its success, John didn't expect any prizes for his suggestion, The guy was only doing his job ... and doing it well, as is usual with that guy Heggie, The prize committee at its sitting felt that his clear thinking ought to be rewarded, So he wound up among the winners, with two bits’marked against his name, I feel that the lads over at I,F.D, should at least match this amount, That's the kind of a business we are in fellows ..,. A good thought, a novel twist now and again can make all the difference between just another length of film, and a boxoffice hit, Nice going John, Glad you won, eke kp tekekKo LIVE ATTRACTIONS It appears that the public wants something just a little different in the way of entertainment, They still buy the big attractions,’ but the smaller and average ones seem to meet with a sort of pass-~ ive resistance, In some of our situations, notably Ack!s house: in Vancouver and Lloyd Palmer's emporium in the Lakehead, the lads were able to really build up their business on one night a week, Ack has his PERSONALITY PARADE and Lloyd is doing a terrific job with his WESTERN JAMBOREE, In recent weeks a comedy~horror stage unit ... DR. SILKINI'!S ASYLUM OF HORRORS has been touring our houses in Ontario, Some of you had played it in the past, It's full of hokum and the customers love it, This’ year, for some reason or other, it's doing turn-away business, Apparently this is what our "Lost" audience wants, I'll bet you have a good Hill-billy band in your town .4.. or a good Western aggregation ,., or maybé you can make a deal for some of the talent on your radio or T.V. station one night a week, Have you thought about it? More important ... Have you TRIED it? This is Showbusiness fellows ,,. so how about injecting a little SHOWMANSHIP into our business? A little good thinking’ can save you the effort of dreaming up a lot of excuses later,,., How about it, huh?