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There still seems to be a lot of confusion as to what is meant by a Saturday matinee replacement feature, and just what our responsibility is in connection with the showing of pictures tagged ‘Adult! to juve audiences. Let me try to clarify the situation so that our managers and bookers will not be working at cross purposes any more.
It is not our job to act as self-appointed censors oee and to tell folks what they may or may not see. When one of our attractions comes to us classified as 'Adult!' it is up to us to conform with existing regulations by clearly marking it as such, strictly for the information of the parents. Then it is entirely up to them whether or not they wish their children to see it. We have no right to refuse admission to any of the small fry who wish to purchase a ticket. Of course if a picture is clearly marked ‘Restricted! ... then it's a different story, and under the act we may not sell tickets to anyone under a specified age limit.
When an attraction is so adult in theme that we feel it may hurt our boxoffice ... then it is up to us to demand a replacement feature for the Saturday matinee performance ... to keep faith with parents and children alike ... but let's not standardize this procedure and demand such replacement features EVERY Saturday. For instance ... it's utterly ridiculous to pull a picture like HIGH SOCIETY off, and replace it with some second rate Western. We know what kind of business this one is doing, and we know that we!1l lose a lot of dollars by leaving it in the can.
If you have an attraction booked on a week-end which you feel is not quite suitable for your kid trade ... then ask your booker to supply a COMPANION FEATURE for the young 'Tuns, and SHOW THEM BOTH. We must assume that you do get a few adults in for the Saturday matinee ... Let's not drive them away.
And fellows ... don't do what one manager used to do ae. simply refuse to admit any youngsters to your Satmat. That ain't good business ... and certainly doesn't make you any friends. Hope I've managed to make myself clear ... Now it's up to you.e
The first person a patron meets is your cashier. She is in effect your hostess and can do much to inject a frame of mind that can add much to a customer's enjoyment of your offering
A gum-chewing, magazine reading person in the box-office a: a telephone-gabbing character who shows her annoyance at bed interrupted to punch out a ticket ...a surly, smart-aleck a attitude ..,. all these will DRIVE CUSTOMERS AWAY and Be they won't come back. Before you appoint a girl oud ee eee job, make sure that she knows exactly what is ex ect ares heal and ask yourself if YOU would buy a ticket from f ao
should be neat, courteous and obliging, Is pees A hostess