National Archives and Records Service film-vault fire at Suitland, Md. : hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-sixth Congress, first session, June 19 and 21, 1979 (1979)

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338 l\. z'OCtciT, rroV;otJ.r:. Cd-vLiiioT: P'V ''^j tk-:.c: i'ct;-o Co-^:xr.y. I'r.e oil ouir ly ta I'o. 2 snd the oil S'>^2y tn-i: ir bja-jxd oatside, ^:i^o ccutivnl air ccsidlUcanlnri raciiircry ia located ia th nir cGnditLa-dnc roan, ag oliaan ess tha stt-icbcd cixich, ivoo>>. ,=;r>c Ic ustxl ss t\^ roiVi,:erai:t ia ths air conditiciiin-; c.i^torr. , cul-vc'-vjo, etc., CSC.'! in th-s opera cicxi of tUc thr«i« buU.dings, tho inccKnJji;; po'.-.-?.:" iinsa sn^rl t!ic cilGti''J.b.;tio2 lliv&s aro burled -jndjsrjsrsaad, u*iO lix^yr-lr:;: ■TOlt-'ire is 13,oc:o volta, b, A i'.'rdojl ■'•:<r-^;va 7a.3.t As stal-cd bofcra, t!*e iridlvidual st3?a-s Vo'~*.t3 ;jrc idoi-.ulca-L ia nil respect:;, inolcdias cosistr-JStd^sc, sis© scd oc;oj.%n;:?i7, 2tsa iruiividujil coolin.;; lasit ts ?5Ui7pei;5d«;vJ fiwa th« •^-a'.ilt ceilir. e:?il is ccrsiacted to the cant3?al circtilataaj; air cosjdLtiJfidss £r;.-i^t(%ri. 'She crJLlisd tratcr cJjLMvO^tas throv^h a scrioij o£ coll:? in -tJic T2!iti pj;:d im electric itotor irlvtsi alurtilnir; faa ciro^iisu;;3 ti;e nlr aci'o;;a tJicse coi-li. i^ thersx^tet is lo«Atod ia tfca ^.Ir con i ticninit rosfci a."d its o<)Gt".'.-':loa depcsndr; tpon tho fcKi^jcafatupe or the rstx-^'ln.-: i.-itci no iiist poixit, t&da unit ts tooaa as a iUlco r[c<i'i 'iVarsrc?' :i--it, nan-jifact-n-etl bj tho 3ilco i^t^xticts, Ixc. of :lr<iteanoli?, Vii-r., ahe £a?."i-:il nsrabor of the cait eiardnci «53 2^02 ^>i -yie siao nui^iKs? »K3 'JXJ 3-1, jMI cloctric v'risir; icd it.T ca::iec-tin~ «qulp;ftOSit ia tis "E^ralta aad in tiV3 co"iax:ti:i[: corriilor '•3i;;ct tlw rcq-ilrccscsis oT the tiutlocial £1boiric:^l 'I'otiQ. .Vi2;.-5 c-.i&rri-e rricks arc located en escl) sido of the Ti'-Glt ai3lcs. ^fcc x^^t;ki2 ?a-o ardnsOiiUid .ri»tal skeleton type racks, icizdi rccJc is IX^ ir.. i;!!ocn ,r;irv'i crtends Tros tJio i"loai to tte caHln;; aid frc^ end to cert.' oi' tit; vax::lt. 2.^ vertical<u;ca Ict-sccn each rack ssbcif is ,i2,f Irs, i-.-:;ob oX f-ho tvro rna'cs in each vi-ult 'Kill accomodate 600 frlln coni^'iri'frs or 1,;!Q0 caitelnc^s -^v "rouli* A coi-itsissr hol'is i-Vj. IjCO. it. roll oT 3:£^-rsa rdtrato fil-, t,*:ich McL^lio 5 12s. 2i9 1^0 i rolls at i lb, a roll lu-jomt,'; to 6,000 lb. i,ae 3 tca':a) of nitrate 'il'. 5ji'^ vnvJLt, or 162,031) lb, (01 tons) ist esaoii of tiio tiirae at-ora::o l-uilt]i,ir-::.T, 2?.o Rct'ial hest oT rdti-ato S±1n cerabii^tioa i.TSOSared in r,-.?,:;. ^-je: p&'ind is 6,00 1.o i5,C(X) a« carpared idiii Sj^CX'O to ?,0C>0 far r;ood b->>t Uie or corhAsiAiXi. oi" nltrato Xilti ia abmit I^ tl-'.i;s I'.'is'.cr thrm t2w.u of v-o-M iii tho vxia roi-m, ac 5pc«d o? Ofy^a-osV-OA ts: piv>par^tion of orsy caio'-uitlbla td.ll slio clotsradna tii© pr:;s;; ."CO i'orc-s rata ti'c-r'.t rsy 'i>t' ;,-;£'rsCi"!itcd \dt2iin a::y iSEr/catctl e:ri«» clov^cd .?rep., iho prcss'jaro fccco of b-^nrlrJc: nitrite fila haa besa tiic Eby.'o v:i-'rrc;9 cire ,-ivcn in thijj ropcurt i^ a-^jlify W:s qviontity