Box office digest annual (1946)

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■ ALL FEATURES RELEASED IN 1945 ■ A OVER $500,000 B FROM $250,000 TO $500,000 C FROM $150,000 TO $250,000 D BELOW $150,000 Bells of St. Marys RKO 262 Spellbound . UA....235 Leave Her to Heaven . FOX . .230 Anchors Aweigh MGM.. 221 Weekend at the Waldorf MGM. .210 Saratoga Trunk MGM. ...221 Thrill of a Romance . . MGM . 205 Valley of Decision MGM . 203 Here Comes The Waves PAR 201 Wonder Man . RKO . .200 Lost Weekend PAR 203 Dolly Sisters . FOX 197 State Fair . FOX 192 The Spanish Main RKO 192 A Tree Grows In Brooklyn FOX 191 Duffy's Tavern PAR 190 Love Letters PAR 187 Diamond Horseshoe FOX 186 Mildred Pierce . WAR... .18-* Stork Club . PAR 180 Along Came Jones RKO 178 They Were Expendable MGM 178 Incendiary Blonde PAR 177 House on 92nd St. FOX 175 Nob Hill . FOX 174 Xmas In Connecticut WAR 172 Kiss and Tell . COL. .171 Rhapsody in Blue WAR 171 G. I. Joe . UA. 171 The Clock . MGM. 171 Practically Yours PAR 171 Guest Wife UA 170 Without Love MGM .170 San Antonio . WAR. ...167 Lady On A Train UNIV 166 Salty O'Rourke . PAR. ...166 Blood On the Sun . UA....163 God Is My Co-Pilot . WAR. ...163 One Thousand Nights COL 162 The Corn Is Green WAR 161 The Enchanted Cottage RKO 161 Over 21 COL 160 Out of This World PAR 160 A Song to Remember . COL 160 Johnny Angel . RKO. .158 Highness & Bellboy . MGM. ..157 Conflict . WAR .156 Those Endearing Charms RKO 156 Objective Burma WAR 156 Vine Have Tender Grapes . MGM 155 You Came Along PAR 155 Back to Bataan . RKO. ...155 Affairs of Susan . PAR... 155 It's A Pleasure RKO 154 The Three Caballeros RKO 154 Pride of Marines . WAR. .153 Scarlet Street . UNIV... 152 Fallen Angel FOX 151 Thunderhead-Flicka . FOX... .151 Between Two Women . MGM ...135 Geo. White's Scandals . RKO 135 Pillow to Post WAR 134 Here Come the Co-eds UNI. .133 Daltons Ride Again . UNIV .132 1st Yank in Tokyo RKO 13? Gertie's Garter . UA 130 The Suspect UNI 125 Tomorrow, the World UA 125 The Southerner . UA....123 Brewster's Millions UA 120 Toi Young to Know WAR 118 F«-'-o Sal . UNI... .117 Having Wonderful Crime RKO 117 Bedside Manner UA 115 Pn'rick the Great . UNIV... 115 House of Dracula . UNIV.. . 114 Snafu . COL.. ..Ill Men In Her Diary . UNIV. ..Ill On Stage Everybody UNIV 111 That's the Spirit UNI 108 The Way Ahead . FOX. ...108 She Went to the Races . MGM... 104 The Unseen . PAR. ...104 Danger Signal . WAR .102 Bewitched . MGM 102 Escape In the Desert WAR 98 Sunbonnet Sue MONO 93 Twice Blessed . MGM. ...93 ^angerous Partners MGM 92 Molly and Me . FOX. ...92 Love, Honor & Goodbye REP 91 Betrayal From the East . RKO 90 delightfully Dangerous . UA 88 Senorita from West . UNIV 87 S:ng Your Way Home . RKO. ...87 The Hidden Eye MGM 87 See My Lawyer . UNI. ...87 Pan American . RKO 85 The Fighting Guardsman COL 84 Radio Stars on Parade RKO 84 ( A— Continued That Night With You . UNIV 116 l*'s in the Bag . UA....114 Blithe Spirit . UA....112 Shady Lady . UNIV. ...112 Man Alive . RKO ..111 Don Juan Quilligan FOX 110 Paris Underground . UA .104 Earl Carroll's Vanities . REP. .103 Col. Blimp . UA 102 Mexicana . REP 97 Tarzan and the Amazons . RKO 122 Enchanted Forest PRC 101 Isle of Dead . RKO. ...98 The Body Snatcher RKO .97 The True Glory . COL. .96 Divorce . MONO. 93 The Brighton Strangler . RKO 92 My Name is Julia Ross . COL. ...91 People Are Funny PAR 90 The Frozen Ghost UNIV 88 The Cheaters . REP. ...87 She Gets Her Man . UN. ...87 River Gang . UNIV. ...86 Jungle Captive UNIV 85 Caat. Tugboat Annie REP 85 Gey Senorita . COL. ...85 I Love A Bandleader . COL 84 I'll Tell the World . UNIV 84 The Beautiful Cheat UNIV 84 Eadie Was A Lady COL 84 Eve Knew Her Apples COL 84 Mummie" Curse UNI 84 Ho 'se of Fear . UNI. ...84 Girl on the Spot . UNIV. ...83 Crimson Canary UNIV 83 Angel Comes to Brooklyn REP 83 Behind City Lights REP 83 Jealousy . REP . 83 S‘eppin' in Society . REP. ...83 Carribean Mystery . FOX .83 Circumstantial Evidence FOX 83 Blonde Fever . MGM .83 The Great Flamarion REP 83 The Big Showoff REP 83 Dangerous Passage . PAR. ...83 Hit the Hay . COL 82 Voice of the Whistler . COL 82 Man in Gray . UNIV. ...82 Game of Death . RK0....8n The Soider . FOX 82 Girl of the Limberlost COL 82 Rough, Tough, and Ready COL 82 A Song For Miss Julie REP 82 Fo'low That Woman PAR 81 Crime Dr's. Warning COL 81 Strange Confession . UNIV .81 Pursuit to Algiers . UNIV 81 Tell It to a Star . REP. .81 The Bull Fighters . FOX ...81 High Powered PAR 81 What A Blonde . RKO 81 Hitchhike to Happiness . REP 81 S--otla"d Yard Detective REP 80 The Silver Fleet . PRC 80 Honeymoon Ahead UNI 80 7omb:es On Broadway RKO 80 I'M Remember April UNI 80 I ea'/e It to Blondie . COI — 80 No'hinq But Trouble MGM 80 Strange Illusion . PRC .79 She Wouldn't Say Yes COL 148 Where Do We Go From Here FOX 148 Picture of Dorian Gray MGM 148 Bring On the Girls PAR 148 Corporal Hararove MGM 147 Confidential Agent WAR 143 Junior Miss . „ . FOX. ...146 Son of Lassie . MGM. .146 Captain Eddie . FOX. ...144 Tonight and Every Night . COL. ...143 Salome, Where She Danced UNI 143 Frontier Gal . UNIV .142 A Bell for Adona FOX 142 Keep Your Powder Dry . MGM 142 Captain Kidd . UA....141 Naughty Nineties UNIV 140 Counter-Attack . COL.... 140 Flame of he Barbary Coast . REP 139 T^en The^e Were None FOX 138 China Sky . RKO. ...138 Belle of the Yukon . RKO 138 Roughly Speaking . WAR. ...138 Cornered . RKO. ...137 This Love of Ours . UNIV 137 Yolanda and the Thief . MGM 136 Dakota . REP .134 Pardon My Past . COL 134 Hangover Square . FOX. ...134 The Great John L. . UA 133 Hotel Berlin . WAR .133 Sudan . UNI .133 A Royal Scandal FOX 132 In Hollywood . MGM 131 Murder, My Sweet . RKO ...131 Murder, He Says . PAR 128 A Medal For Benny . PAR .128 Hold That Blonde — PAR 127 This Man's Navy . MGM. ...126 Uncle Harry . UNIV. .121 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES The Percentages listed after the names of the pictures in the above A, B, C, and D columns, and also found elsewhere in this publication, represent the amount of actual business being done at theatre box offices. For example, if certain picture grosses $10,000 on a week, where the average business of that theatre is actually $10,000, then that particular picture rates a 100 per cent average. However, if the picture should be “a lemon” and only does $7,500 on the week, then it rates 75 per cent on that particular booking. On the other hand, if a picture should be a box office “wow” and hits $25,000 on the week, then that picture draws a 250 per cent rating, or 150 per cent above average business, which of course is most unusual. As soon as pictures are released in various key cities throughout the nation, the percentages are averaged out and the figures are printed in Box Office Digest. On another page are two boxes marked “Pictures Going Up” and “Pictures Going Down,” indicating that very few films stay at the same level at which they open up on their initial engagements. Occasionally big publicity and exploitation campaigns will get a picture off to a fine start but if said picture has been over-rated, word-of-mouth may drop the box office receipts off considerably, thus lowering the percentage. Of course, this can also work the other way with a fine picture getting off to a bad start and then building on all of its subsequent runs. Dillinger . MONO .147 Fighting Lady . FOX ...123 The Last Chance . MGM. ...102 Why Girls Leave Home . PRC. ...86 Swinging On A Rainbow . REP. ...84 Vampire's Ghost . REP. ...84 Tiger Woman . REP. ...83 China's Little Devils . MONO... .83 Forever Yours . MONO. ...83 Girls of Big House . REP. ...82 Easy to Look At . UNIV. ...82 Midnight Manhunt . PAR. ...32 Shanghai Cobra . MONO. ...82 West of the Pecos . RKO... 82 Scared Stiff . PAR. ...82 Big Bonanza . REP. ...82 G. I. Honeymoon . MON. ...82 Under Western Skies . UNIV. ...82 The Chicago Kid . REP... 8? Prison Ship . COL.. ..81 Club Havana . PRC... 81 Detour . PRC. ...81 Road to Alcatraz . REP. ...81 Crime, Inc. . PRC... .81 Sporting Chance REP. ...81 White Pongo . PRC. ...81 Blackie's Rendezvous . COL 81 A Woman in Green UNIV .81 Thoroughbreds . REP. ...81 Identity Unknown . REP 81 Tahiti Nights . COL. ...81 Fatal Witness . REP... 80 Adventures of Rusty . COL . 80 Arson Squad . PRC. ...80 Blonde Ransom . . UNIV... 80 Booked On Suspicion . . COI — 80 Phantom of 42nd Street . . PRC... 80 Power of the Whistler . COL... 80 Crime Doctor's Courage . COL... 80 Fog Island . PRC 80 A Guy, A Gal, and A Pal COL .80 Gangs of Waterfront REP 79 I Love A Mystery . COL 79 Shadow of Terror . PRC 78 Come Out Fighting . MONO 78 Dangerous Intruder PRC 78 Rhythum Roundup . COL... 78 Swing Out Sister . UNIV. ...78 Escape in the Fog COL 78 Scarlet Clue . MONO... 78 Ten Cents A Dance COI — 78 Song of the Sarong UNIV 78 Fashion Models MON 78 Nevada . RKO — 78 Roques Gallery PRC 78 There Goes Kelly MON 78 Castle of Crimes .... PRC 78 Sensation Hunters MONO 77 Danny Boy . PRC. ...77 The Missinq Corpse PRC 77 Docks of New York MON 77 • Go Steady . COI — 77 Hollywood & Vine . PRC .77 Three's A Crowd REP... 77 Aooloay For Murder PRC 76 The Kid Sister PRC 76 Mugqs Ride Again MONO 76 Penthouse Rhythum . UNIV 76 B'onde From Brooklyn COL 76 The Kid Sister PRC 76 The Man Who Walked Alone PRC 76 Youth On Trial . COI — 76 The Lady Confesses . PRC 75 Falcon In San Francisco RKO 74 Rockin' in the Rockies MONO 74 Trouble Chasers MONO 71 Spell of Amy Nugent PRC 71 C— Continued Johnny in the Clouds . UA. 78 Mama Loves Papa RKO... 78 Two O'Clock Courage RKO 78 Night Club Girl . UNIV 78 My Gal Loves Music . UNIV 78 Gentle Annie . MGM 77 Swinq Out Sister UNIV .77 Mr. Emmanuel . UA 76