National Film Archive catalogue, part II : silent non-fiction films 1895-1934 (1960)

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1929 [763] (cont.) CAMERA INTERVIEWS— WALTER LINDRUM; introduced by Claude Falkiner (From a Pathe Pictorial), p.c : [First National-Pathe). Walter Lindrum and Claude Falkiner at a billiards table ; Lindrum demonstrates stance, grip and the bridge; he then demonstrates various shots; a masse stroke by Claude Falkiner. (333ft.) Refs.: Bioscope, 81 (1212), December 25, 1929, p. 17 [764] CARCINOMA OF THE BREAST TREATED WITH RADIUM, sp.: St. Bartholomew's Hospital, author: Geoffrey Keynes, ph.: Medical Department, Kodak, dist.: [Kodak Medical Library]. Radium needles (diagram) ; position of carcinoma and placement of needles (diagram) ; instruments ; threading needles ; stab wounds made in the skin around growth; insertion of radium needles and placing of gauze; dressing; radiograph of needles in position. (695ft.) Refs.: Kodak Limited. Catalogue of Kodak medical motion pictures, [n.d.], p. 17 (no. 133) British Film Institute. Catalogue of British medical films. London, 1936, p. 15 CHANNEL CRUISE OF THE R.M.S. "ORONTES" [765] A record of a cruise made by the 20,000 ton liner between September 13th and 15th, 1929, the year in which it was built. Includes shots of passengers (presumably directors and guests of the Orient Steam Navigation Company), lifeboat drill, the presentation of a walking stick to the captain, Captain F. R. O'Sullivan, deck games, and various shots of the officers and crew, including the chef. (397ft.) [766] The COMMON BUTTERFLY, p.c. : Visual Education, ed. : [Christopher A. Radley]. supervising ed.: J. Arthur Thomson, dist. : Visual Education. The life story of the cabbage butterfly showing the developing eggs, the active feeding and growing caterpillar, the resting pupa and finally the winged insect. (530ft.) Refs.: Visual Education. A catalogue of educational and cultural films. London, 1931, p. 30 (no. 605) [767] DADDY LONG LEGS (From a Pathe Pictorial), p.c.: [First National-Pathe]. dist.: [First National-Pathe]. Shows a tractor pulling down trees, with an attachment to which the trunks are fastened and dragged away. (93ft.) [768] DO YOU REMEMBER? (From Pathe Pictorial, no. 603). p.c: [First NationalPathe]. The first attempts at flight by the Danish avaitor, J. C. Ellehammer in 1906 and the reception of the American explorer, Dr. F. A. Cook in Copenhagen following his reputed discovery of the North Pole in 1909. (163ft.) [769] DRIFTERS, sp.: [Empire Marketing Board] (E.M.B.). p.c: New Era Productions, d. : John Grierson. ed. : John Grierson. ph. : Basil Emmott. dist. : New Era Films. The story of the North Sea Herring Fisheries filmed at Lerwick in the Shetlands, Lowestoft and Yarmouth and in the North Sea. Includes shots of trawlers leaving harbour, in storm at sea ; also locating and catching herring shoal ; fish auction at Yarmouth, fish girls gutting herring, taking fish to city markets by train. (3,631ft.) Refs.: Bioscope, 81 (1208), November 27, 1929, p. 33 Close-up, 5 (5), November 1929, pp. 402-9 Film Society (London). Programme no. 33, November 10, 1929, p. [2] [770] The EDIBLE SNAIL, p.c: Visual Education, ed.: [Christopher A. Radley]. supervising ed. : J. Arthur Thomson, dist. : Visual Education. A large Roman snail in close-up and on a branch with extended horns; its empty shell, with details of spiral ; a broken shell showing a single twisted chamber; 104