National Film Archive catalogue, part II : silent non-fiction films 1895-1934 (1960)

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1933 Refsr. Kodak Limited. Catalogue of Kodak medical motion pictures, [n.d.], (cont.) p. 35 (no. 260) [900] STASOBASO-PHOBIA. author: [Professor L. S. P. Davidson], dist.: [University of Edinburgh, Department of Medicine]. A case record. A man aged 52 is shewn. He is timid and refuses to stand unsupported; falls to hands and knees if left. He shows distress after being encouraged to progress by himself. (119ft.) [901] SUB-CON JUNCTIVAL CATARACT EXTRACTION. author: Norman Fleming, dist.: [Kodak Medical Library]. Irrigation, speculum inserted, lens capsule transfixed; incision; conjunctival bridge made; lens delivered; anterior chamber irrigated; (this sequence is demonstrated on a number of patients). Technique repeated throughout on a fresh series of patients. A series of eyes, post-operative appearances. (This film is made up of a series of illustrations of a number of operations, cut in together to form a rough sequence). (372ft.) Refs.: Kodak Limited. Catalogue of Kodak medical motion pictures, [n.d.], p. 26 (no. 196) British Film Institute. Catalogue of British medical films, 1936, p. 26 [902] The SURGICAL TREATMENT OF PYORRHOEA ALVEOLARIS. sp.\ The John Hampton Hale Research Laboratory, The Royal Dental Hospital, London, author: H[ubert] H[orace] Stones, dist.: Kodak Medical Library. Patient, man aged 18. Gums much inflamed and hypertrophied teeth irregular (regulation of teeth completed at 19| years). Condition before regulation; condition after. Radiographic appearance showing irregular absorbtion of alveolus. Bacteriological smear. Preparation of patient; injection of anaesthesia; instruments demonstrated; incisions; similar lingual incisions; interdental pieces of gum incised ; removal of incised gum ; cut margins of gum are treated with electric cautery. Part Two. Upper jaw similarly operated upon; instruments for trimming; trimming; removal of exposed seruminal calculas; grinding tips of teeth to shorten; packing interdental spaces with wax. Condition one month after operation. (525ft.) Refs.: Kodak Limited. Catalogue of Kodak medical motion pictures, [n.d.], p. 27 (no. 206) British Film Institute. Catalogue of British medical films, 1936, p. 29 [903] TECHNIQUE OF THE RADICAL ABDOMINOPERINEAL (MILES'S) OPERATION, author: W[illiam] Ernest Miles, dist.: Kodak Medical Library. Part One. Abdominal operation. Incision; colon delivered; search for metastases; interior mesenteric vessels ligated ; rectum mobilised; pelvic colon divided; free end tucked beneath peritoneum; peritoneal continuity of pelvic floor reestablished. Part Two. Ileo-caecal angle inspected. Colostomy prepared, abdomen closed. Perineal operation. Anus sutured. Skin incised. Coccyx excised. Presacral space entered; colon delivered; elvatores ani divided; specimen dissected out; cavity lined with oil silk and plugged; skin flaps sutured; colon opened to show operation specimen. (885ft.) Refs.: Kodak Limited. Catalogue of Kodak medical motion pictures, [n.d.], p. 26 (no. 198) British Film Institute. Catalogue of British medical films. 1936, p. 26 [904] THUNDERSTORM, author: [James Fairgrieve]. animator: [Hubert D. Waley]. An experimental diagram film designed to show the conveyance of thunderstorms showing a map of London and the Home Counties with a clock with moving hands in the corner. Shapes representing thunderstorms form and move on the map. (190ft.) TRANSPORT IN ENGLAND (*1933). [905] Horse and donkey transoort; modern transport — railways, cars, aeroplanes. Shots of the coast and coumryside all of which are within reach of modern transport. (1,086ft.) 124