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National Film Archive catalogue, part II : silent non-fiction films 1895-1934 (1960)

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1915 [923] (cont.) HABITS AND CUSTOMS OF SWALLOWS, p.c: [Savoia Films.] dist.\ [New Agency Film Company]. A series of shots tracing the development of swallows raised in captivity from one day to thirty days' growth. The birds with their breeder, being fed with worms. (370ft.) English titles. Refs.: Kine. mthly. film rec, 4 (39), July 1915, p. 118 1917 (The GORIZIAN CAMPAIGN). [924] Mines being exploded at sea in the wake of a ship; a meeting of Italian commanders with King Vittorio Emanuele in a rocky mountain area ; artillery in action ; a motor convoy crossing a river over an improvised bridge; skitroops in the snow; heavy artillery in action ; troops around an open fire ; mass being celebrated at an improvised altar on the mountainside; Austrian and German prisoners-of-war; arrival of troops in a town decorated with Italian flags ; wounded being transported by ski-lifts; infantry advancing behind metal shields; a fuse being laid and lit; a mule team passing through a devastated village or town. (The film is unedited and untitled). (640ft.) WITH THE ITALIAN ARMY AT THE FRONT. [924a] Artillery bombardment of a village; wounded soldiers on stretchers; artillery and mortar firing; a bi-plane taking off for reconnaissance; a radio operator at work; officers observing artillery fire and reading maps; an officer telephoning from a dug-out; big guns in action; a 'plane taking off loaded with bombs; artillery fire and effects ; infantry marching and in the trenches ; going over the top and charging; Austrian prisoners-of-war. (This film appears to be a record of the Battle of Isonzo). (899ft.) Refs.: Kine. mthly. film rec. (61) May 1917, p. 90 1922 [925] NELLA ROMA DEI PAPI; i primi atti del pontificato di Pio XI. p.c: I[stituto] Qinematografico] M[orale] E[ducativo] San Marco, dist. : S[toll] F[ilm] Qompany] The film shows the lying-in-state of Pope Benedict XV and the election by the Papal Conclave of Pius XI. His coronation is shown and he officiates at a public ceremony; the Procession of the Eucharist; the Pope inspects Italian Boy Scouts at the grotto of Lourdes in the Vatican gardens. The film ends with the Pope officiating at the ceremony in honour of tricentenary of the Propaganda Fide. (1,298ft.) English titles. [926] The VATICAN ARTISTIC AND HISTORICAL (c. 1925). p.c: Istituto Cinematografico Morale Educativo San Marco. The Vatican and its art treasures; the Library and Observatory; Pope Pius XI driving in the Vatican grounds and praying before a shrine. (11,429ft.) JAPAN 1922 [927] HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES IN TOKYO, p.c. : Tokyo Municipality, dist.: [Jones Films]. The Prince arrives at Yokohama in H.M.S. Renown on April 12, 1922. The Prince's launch is met at the quayside by various dignatories ; the Prince Regent arriving at Tokyo station to greet the visitor; the Imperial train enters the station; the two heirs apparent meet and leave the station in procession to the Imperial Palace; shots follow of a military review of Yoyogi Parade Ground on Apri 15th at which both Princes inspect the Imperial Guards Division; the film concludes with the Guards passing in review. (436ft.) English titles. Refs.: Kine. wkly., 62 (783), April 27, 1922, p. 36d (advert.) NETHERLANDS 1928 [928] [De BRUG]. p.c: Capi Films, Amsterdam, written, directed, photographed and produced by Joris Ivens. dist. : Film Society, London. 127