National Film Archive catalogue, part II : silent non-fiction films 1895-1934 (1960)

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BUCCLEUGH, John Charles MontagueDouglas-Scott, 1th duke of, see MONTAGUEDOUGLAS-SCOTT, John Charles, 1th duke of Buccleugh BUCHAN, Mrs. Annabelle Whitford Moore see ANNABELLE BUCHANAN, Sir James, Is/ baronet, 1st baron Woolavington 613 BUFFALOES 570 BUGS 696 BUILDING: igloo construction 1016, 1038; Imperial Chemical House, construction 728; Shilluk hut 73; Statue of Liberty, construction 988 ; Westminster Hall, roof work 562 BUILDINGS see ARCHITECTURE BULGARIA: Danube area 177 BULLFIGHTS 44, 314, 452, 1040 BULLFINCHES 579 BULLOCK, [Frank] Francis (British jockey) 617 BUNDY, A. E. (British film executive) 743 BUNGALOW ISLAND 573 BUQUET (French aviator) 134 BURFORD, Roger (British jockey) 606 BURLINGHAM, Frederick (British cinematographer) 398, 399 BURMA: dances 651; Rangoon, elephants 259; Salvation Army work 654; Visit of Prince of Wales 524 BURNS, Tommy (American boxer) 301 BURROUGHES, L. H. J. (British billiards player) 575 BUSES see TRANSPORT BUSHEY PARK 487, 603 BUSKERS 598 BUSTARDS, Greater 570, 760 BUTLER, Guy Montague (British runner) 620 BUTTERFLIES 97, 333, 418, 505, 547 626, 665, 766, 1006 BUZZARDS 502 BYRD, Richard Evelyn (American aviator and explorer) 733, 1042 BYRNE, Sir Joseph Aloysius (British soldier and lawyer) 744 CABARETS 546, 594, 646 713 CAERNARVON 304 CALCULATING MACHINES 474, 521 CALDER, Alexander Stirling (American sculptor) 178 CALLES, Plutarco Elias see ELIAS CALLES, Plutarco CALLOW, Gladys (British zoologist) 563 CAMBRIDGE, Alexander August Frederick George, 1st earl of Athlone 648 CAMELS 84, 329, 394, 402, 746 CAMIER, Regina (French actress) 500 CAMOUFLAGE: French army 139; physiology 510, 548 CANADA: Amethyst Lake 681 ; Arctic territory 1016;Banff681; Bell river 977a ; Bo w river 68 1 British Colombia: salmon fishing 958; timber industry 393, 681 Cape Dufferin 1016 Edmonton 681 Farming immigrants 810; forestry 393 Fort Erie: Peace Bridge opening 5 Grand Trunk Pacific railway 328, 338 Jasper National Park 681; Kamloops 681; Kiask Falls 977a; Maligne Canyon 681 Montreal: winter sports 267, 268, 271 Mount Edith Cavell 681; Mount Robson 681 Newfoundland: visit of Royal Navy 638 Niagara Falls 29, 98, 338, 420 Nova Scotia: visit of Royal Navy 638 Ontario: railways 328, 338 Ottawa: Government House 456; Parliament buildings, laying of foundation stone 456 Quebec 977a; Railways 328, 338; Rocky mountains 681; St. Lawrence river, ice yachting 262; salmon fishing 958; shooting the rapids 413; strawberry farm 681; Thompson River 681; Tour by Mr. L. S. Amery 756; Vancouver 681; Visit of Royal Navy 638; Visits of Prince of Wales 5, 456, 791 ; Waswanipies 977a; winter sports 262, 267, 268, 271, 309 CANALS: inland: China 61; London 574; St. Omer 75 ; Venice 860 maritime: Panama 1017; Suez 677 CANARY ISLANDS 944 CANTERBURY 706; cathedral 706, 801 CANVEY ISLAND 796 CAPE VERDE ISLANDS: visit of Prince of Wales 648 CAPYBARAS 379 CARCINOMA see MEDICINE CARDIFF: castle and docks 590 CARNIVALS: Pulborough 867, 894 CARPENTIER, Georges (French boxer) 577, 964 CARPET MAKING: Persia 747; Tripoli 920 CARR, Joan (British actress) 646 CARRICK-A-REDE: rope bridge 689 CARSLAKE, Bernard (British jockey) 615 CARTOGRAPHY 432, CASHMERE see KASHMIR CASINO DE PARIS: revue 151 CASSON, Sir Lewis T. (British actor) 472 CASSOWARYS 579 CASTLES see ARCHITECTURE CATERPILLARS 97, 418, 437, 505, 510, 531, 547, 626, 630, 665, 674, 766, 1006 CATHEDRALS see ARCHITECTURE: ecclesiastical CATS 273, 446a, 997 CATTLE: auction 859; market, Lyons 27 see also AGRICULTURE, REINDEER CAVENDISH, Victor Christian William, 9th duke of Devonshire 456 CELERY trenching 446 CENSUS TAKING: U.S.A. 474 CENTIPEDES 997 CERAMICS 74 see also POTTERY MAKING CEYLON 54, 323; Great Rock Temple of Dambulla 967; Great Wagoba of Polunnaruwa 967; Salvation Army work 654; Sigiri fortress 967 ; visit of Royal Navy 638 CHAMBERLAIN, Joseph (British statesman) 541, 791 CHAMBERLIN, Clarence Duncan (American aviator) 1042 CHAMELEONS 377 CHAMONIX: railway ride 228 CHANNEL ISLANDS 339 CHAPMAN, Oliver Murray (British writer and traveller) 871, 906 CHATTISHAM of Clitheroe, William Brass, 1st baron, see BRASS, William, 15/ baron Chattisham of Clitheroe CHEDDAR CAVES 784 CHEDDAR GORGE 682 CHEESE MAKING 466 CHEESE MITES 257 CHELMSFORD : race course 609 CHELSEA see LONDON: Chelsea CHELTENHAM 775 CHEMISTRY: electrolysis of metals 371 CHESTER 304 CHIARI, Eduardo (President of Panama) 1042 CHICKENS see POULTRY CH1ESA, Delia see BENEDICT XV CHIFF-CHAFFS 515 CHILD development 115 CHILD welfare: 426, 427, 634, 734, 792, 816; Austria 528; France 67; Hungary 529; U.S.A. 998 CHILDREN: with pets 219, 240, 248, 273, 976 CHILDS, Eddie (British actor) 646 CHILE: Visit of Prince of Wales 648 CHILHAM: toll bridge 814 CHIMPANZEES 394, 397, 684, 824, 1036 CHINA 60, 336; Boxer rebellion 214, 216; canals 61; Great Wall 84; Mokan Shan 651; Peking 84, 336, 888; San Chiao Pu 651 ; Shanghai 61, 241, 888 CHRISTMAS CRACKERS: manufacture 334 CHRONOPHOTOGRAPHY: E. J. Marey 9 180